Chapter 47

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                         Cici's POV

        "So what do you think?"

   I had just got done recounting what I learned to Lily after having met up with her back at the inn. Apparently she got here just a few minutes before I did so now we're just waiting for Rose to get back.

       "Do you think she'll be happy with what I found out?"

               "There's no way she wouldn't be, I'm sure of it. Speak of the devil.."

   Just as she had finished saying that Rose came through the door slamming it shut on the way in. I'm pretty sure it's safe to assume she hadn't found anything seeing as she is clearly irritated. She walked right passed us and plopped down on the bed in a huff.

         "I hope that one of you managed to find out something. And I seriously, I mean seriously, hope that this hasn't just been a waste of the time I could be using to find this shit...." She said in a low tone, her words laced with venom.

         "Well don't worry love," Lily said with a smile. "Cici here actually managed what we did not."

    As soon as she heard that, Rose instantly perked up, her full attention focused on me. The excitement in her eyes that replaced the irritated and somber attitude had me giggling a little bit. She looks so damn cute. Walking over and sitting down next to her I then told her the story that I was told.

     It went something like this: There's a local story that has been passed down from generation to generation about a god visiting this area. It's said that when this god descended all that was in this area was a thick forest and a small local tribe that lived off the land. Apparently this god asked the tribe to build him a temple that could serve as a tomb. It was to be made almost impenetrable so the great evil that was to be placed in the tomb could never escape.

      At first the tribe did not want to build said temple just on a whim so this god made a deal. If they were to build it for him then he would grant them a blessing for protection and prosperity. So the tribe built the most secure and extravagant temple ever seen. When the god saw the finished temple he was extremely pleased but at the same time was extremely paranoid.

    So once he had sealed this great evil in the tomb he used his divine power to make the earth swallow the entire temple. Leaving only the very peak of it on the surface then sealing it. After all was said and done the god was so pleased with the tribes cooperation that he then made them the guardians of the tomb and trusted them with the key to it. Over time this just became an old wives tale that parents told their children for a bedtime story.

          "I personally don't believe that it could be a coincidence that we were led to the same area as the story took place." I said as I finished telling her the story.

                    "And if it's to be believed then it would mean that even if we found the temple then we wouldn't be able to get in without this so called key.." She finished for me.

   I could see her excitement dying down quickly after she said that. The twinkle in her eye starting to fade. I looked over towards Lily, silently pleading with her to help me as I inwardly panicked. I just managed to cheer her up and already that was going away. Thankfully Lily was able to catch on to what I wasn't saying.

       "Well, we may just be in luck," She said, instantly catching Rose's attention. "while I was visiting the local lord he was very adamant about showing off his riches as all nobles do. And while following him around and pretending to care I noticed an ancient stone medallion that would fit the bill."

                "And what? Are you trying to tell us that you think it was the key to something from a bedtime story we just barely heard?" Rose said with her voice full of doubt. "Wouldn't that be a little too convenient?"

         "Don't worry, normally I would say the same honestly but it was something I was going to bring up anyway."

                   "And why's that?"

         "Well, not only is it ancient but I could sense a strong divine aura coming from it. There's no doubt in my mind that a god had made it. All things considered there's a damn good chance it's what we need."

    I could practically see the gears turning as Rose was deep in thought. No doubt weighing the pros and cons. As she was contemplating things I took the chance to get a better look at her. It's pretty obvious that she has been pushing herself too much these last couple of weeks.

     She had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was a mess. I seriously hope that I can get her to slow down a little. Even if it's only for the night. Hell, I know I damn sure could use a break. I've been trying to keep going for Rose and I guarantee that even if I was half dead I would still keep going for her.

             "Ok, I admit that it does sound like what we need. The next question is how are we going to get the damn thing." Rose said while getting up and grabbing her jacket.

      "Well actually--" I started to say before she interrupted me.

                 "You know what, fuck it, I'm tired of wasting time. I'm just going to head over there and figure something out."

        "Rose, can we just--"

                    "I'll take it by force if I have to. I don't give a fuck i-"

         "GODS DAMNIT LISTEN TO ME..." I snapped, effectively making both of them look at me with surprised looks on their faces. I've never once snapped at Rose before much less yell at her, but fuck, I can't do it anymore.

          "Lily, you seem like you have some kind of connection with this towns lord, do you think you can get your hands on the medallion?"

                     "Absolutely, I'll head over there now."

     As she started walking towards the door Rose went to try and follow her saying something about going with to make things quicker. But before she could get very far I put my arm out and stopped her. She turned and looked at me with a questioning glance but I stayed silent until I heard the door close behind me.

              "We need to talk. Like right now...."


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