Chapter 05

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                       Rose's POV

          "Wait... So auntie Alice is inside that sword? For real?"

                    "Yep. That's why we're going on this trip. Supposedly this guy we're going to find is an expert in this type of ancient magic."

    I had just finished explaining the situation to Cici and as expected, she's pretty skeptical about it. Can't blame her though, I'd never have believed it myself if I wasn't there when it happened.

    Disbelief aside, Cici seems to be taking it all in fairly well. She even seems excited to be doing any of this. She's as happy go lucky as always.

                "Anyway, we head for the island as soon as we pick up our gear from the blacksmith in the morning so we better get some rest."

     The following morning went about as expected. We got our new retractable shields from the blacksmith and headed for the docks. That's where we hit a snag however.

     So far nobody we've asked is willing to sail to that island. We didn't get any straight answers as to why, but they all seemed a little afraid. Just what is so bad about that island that everyone would be too frightened to go near it?

     In the end we ended up just renting a dingy little boat to take ourselves there. Thankfully, Cici happens to be pretty damn good at locomotion and puppetry magic.

     After she cast a few spells we didn't need a crew. The boat did everything itself. All we had to do was steer. It honestly kinda felt like cheating.

         'Well, here we go..'


                  Vicebrook's POV

        "Alright, give me an update. Has she made any significant progress?"

                   "Yes   sir. She's still pretty disoriented and she still has a hard time keeping keeping focus, but altogether she has made pretty significant progress."

          "That's good. We can't rush things, her soul still needs to readjust to being back in her body. Just keep working with her and make sure to give me an update daily. Dismissed."

                 "Yes Commander."

    Well shit. I know what I said but honestly I was really hoping that she'd be back in peak condition by now. It's already been a few years since we managed to find and secure her soul.

    I'm not entirely sure what happened, especially since Alice isn't around to tell me. But it must have been one hell of a bad situation in order for her to split her soul and send it away.

    It took at least twenty five Arch mages from both here and the Beast Kingdom just to find and capture her soul. Then about thirty to anchor it back to her body. It was all beyond me honestly, I don't understand at all but then again I'm not a mage.

    But just being around her before her soul was returned was overwhelming. Now that her soul is back her presence is beyond overwhelming. It's well known how powerful a Fenrir can be and we could really use that power against the demons right now.

          'oh well I guess.... We'll just have to wait....'


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