Chapter 48

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                         Rose's POV

        "What's this about Cici? We finally have something to go off of, we don't need to be wasting time." I told her while trying again to walk towards the door.

     But before I could even take two steps she yet again stopped me.

           "Ok what -"

                   "Sit down."

          "We don't have time for -"

                    "Damn it, SIT DOWN ROSE!"


  I quickly found myself sitting down on the edge of the bed, completely speechless and confused. Cici's never talked to me like that before. I mean sure we used to argue when we were younger, all kids do. But she's never actually yelled at me before.

    It honestly threw me off. I'm not sure what to think, much less say, so I just sat there trying to hold back the irritation and waited for her to continue. I'll let her say what she needs to say and itr better be something worth the time we're wasting.

     Once Cici saw that I sat down like she wanted she turn towards the door in a huff and started gathering her mana. It wasn't long before her hands started to give off a greyish-blue glow and she cast multiple different spells sending at least four different pulses of energy covering the entire room.

      Taking a split second to see what she cast I realized what they were. She had put up a couple different barriers and used minor telekinesis. One barrier was to soundproof the room, the other was to alert her if anyone with hostile intentions comes near and then using telekinesis she locked both the door and the window.

          'What the hell?...'

   Turning back around she shot me a death glare then walked up closer to me until her and I were only inches apart. Just as I thought she was about to start yelling again she instead lowered her gaze to the floor and sighed before she softly and quietly started talking.

                  "I'm sorry for snapping like that but it was the only way I could get your full attention...." She said in a tone that made my chest ache. "Now you have no choice but to hear me out."

      It actually hurts hearing the way she sounded. It's like, even though she lowered her head so I couldn't see her eyes, I could practically feel the tears welling up as she spoke.

         "I've been thinking about this a lot, about what I'm going to say and if I even should say it. Because I know no matter how I look at it I feel it's selfish.... But gods damnit Rose, I want to be selfish, just this once..." She started to say in the same quiet tone. "I know you're just trying to get your mom back and I get why you don't want to stop even for a second. I know how long you've both had to suffer already."

       Suddenly looking back up at me I was proven right as I could see tears running down her cheeks. Yet even so, she was giving me a look of determination.

      "But you need to stop pushing yourself so fucking hard. Your not going to help anyone if you run yourself into the ground. And even more, you need to stop ignoring me damnit." Irritation resurfacing on her face as she raises her voice. "And since you haven't cared to even slow down long enough to even realize that you're pushing us away, I'll just have to make you slow down."

      Before I even had the chance to say anything she suddenly shot her arms out and pushed me back on the bed. Not even a half a second after it registered that she just pushed me I found myself pinned down. Straddling me she had both my wrists pinned above my head and her lips smashed against mine.


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