Chapter 35

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                                  Rose's POV

                   "The Randiminum Forest is right up ahead," Lily called out to us as she started slowing down to a walk. "Just over this hill is a plains about a mile across along with a decently wide river on the side opposite of us. Once we cross the river we'll be in the forest."

           After reaching the top of the hill we stopped to catch our breathe and get a good look at the terrain in front of us. We have been running for about four and a half days now, making as few stops as possible when needed.

          Looking out across the plains there wasn't really much to see. Mostly grass with a few patches of wildflowers here and there. There appears to be a dirt road going through the center, likely mostly used by traveling merchants and caravans going from one kingdom to the next. Currently there didn't seem to be anyone in sight.

          After resting for a second we started quickly moving over the plains, not quite walking but not exactly running either. For whatever reason Lily wanted us to stay at a steady pace for now and conserve energy.  Apparently, once we get to the forest, we were going to need to move fast.

                 "We're going to want to get through as fast as possible," Lily started to explain. "As lame as the name is, it's called the Randiminum Forest for a reason. The entire forest itself acts as a sort of labyrinth, the natural mist that covers it is actually magical in nature.

         It tries to play tricks on the mind as it misdirects you. Between it and the over abundance of Elder Treants it almost always seems as if the forest itself is moving. Many have perished in the forest, due to either being led to their death, killed by the monster's or not being able to escape the mist before starving to death."

      So in other words stay together or we're pretty much screwed. Easy enough to understand. By now we had already managed to walk most of the way across the plains. I could already see the river up ahead of us.

       Getting closer I realize just how big the river was. I'd say it had to be at least somewhere around sixty or so feet wide. It's unnecessarily fast current seemed strange but I wasn't exactly worried about it.

               "So how do you want to go about this?" I asked Lily while looking up and down the river. "Don't see any bridges anywhere nearby."

     Instead of immediately answering she simply took about ten steps back and leaning into a starting position with a smile on her face. Me and Cici then walked over to her and copied her stance without another word. It's pretty obvious what Lily's plan was.

                  "Ok girls, like I said, we need to move fast and stick together. Which means that we need to try and sync our jumps and hit the ground running." She said with a sudden seriousness. "Her location should be directly in front of us about halfway through the forest. Either way I'll be able to lead us directly to her so make sure to stick right behind me."

             With a nod from both me and Cici, Lily stares intently into the forest as we all tense up, ready to spring forward any second. Then without even a single word said, all three of us uncoiled and launched forward. Perfectly in sync as if we had practiced, we all instantly made it to the edge of the river and pushed off the ground.

          Within mere seconds we had completely cleared the jump. Then, as soon as our feet hit the ground, an unprecedented BOOM flattened everything in a hundred foot radius as three sonic booms collided as we launched through the trees.


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