Chapter 63

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                                           Rose's POV

                "Ok. I'm confused." Elrin said as he kept looking around cautiously, still in a battle stance. "How did you accociate that gods awful sound with your friend being mad?"

                          "Wait, wha-..." I started to say before facepalming. I just realized, he doesn't actually know what Lily is does he? He probably thinks that she's a wolfkin like Cici. They do share a lot of the same features when Lily's in her humanoid form.

                              "Ok. So how should I put this?" I said while scratching the back of my head. "Long story short, that was Lily we just heard."

             "Right. Yeah, that makes sense." He sarcastically said while looking at me like I've completely lost it. "The monstrous howl that not only seems to have scared of the literal monsters that were trying to eat us, but also quite literally shook the ground we're standing on, was your friend."

      I suppose from his point of view something like that would sound pretty damn ridiculous, but come on. Does he really think I'd be lying to him about something like that right now? I mean, we are in a legit life or death situation at the moment. I guess in all fairness I should try to actually explain but you know what? Fuck it. I'm just going to let him find out himself, seeing us believing after all.

      And judging by how fast those monster mutts just took off, I'd wager that Lily isn't too far away and clearly heading in this direction. It shouldn't be too much longer until she finds us. As fucked up as it sounds given the current situation, I kinda can't wait to see his face when she does.

                              "Anyway," I say with a slight grin. "We should probably play it safe and get out of plain sight just in case."

                  "Good idea."

      After taking a quick look around we ducked into a nearby building before continuing in the direction we were initially going in. In order to try and stay out of the open we ended up using the rough state the ruins are in to our advantage. With how weak and already crumbling the walls were, we went from building to building by going through openings in the walls from whatever had destroyed them. Sometimes making our own if necessary to avoid wasting too much time looking for a path.

      Every once in a while we would run into another of those monster mutts but between the both of us we would take them out fairly quickly. But after a while it was pretty clear how much of a toll all of this was taking on Elrin. His labored breathing and slowing pace made it obvious. I tried suggesting that we take a break but he insisted on continuing. After another twenty minutes I made him stop and relax under the excuse that I needed a break myself.

     Just as we had both found a spot to sit down and take a breather we heard a bunch of noise. It almost sounded like one of the mutts running but louder. Whatever it was is clearly a lot bigger. Elrin struggling to get to his feet as I started to feel a familiar presence.

                    "Well fuck, it's about damned time."

    Before Elrin could ask what I meant, something huge busted through the wall right next to us. Once the dust cleared the first thing I noticed was the glowing eyes and sharp fangs shining even through the dust cloud. Right in front of us stood the biggest wolf I had ever seen.

                   "Hey Lily. Come here often?"


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