Chapter 52

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                          Lily's POV


     As soon as I heard that word my instincts screamed at me to back away. So using as much physical enhancement as I could muster in that split second, I lunged at Cici, sending us both rolling across the floor until we hit the far wall. As soon as we stopped I threw myself over her and put my head down.

     Not even a half a second later followed the loudest boom I've ever heard as a massive shockwave of debris and mana rushed over us. Even with my physical enhancements on top of my already sturdy body I felt as if I was being shredded by the sheer force alone. Suddenly I felt the shockwave reverse direction as it flowed back over us. The next thing I know it was completely silent.

    After quickly looking over myself and Cici to make sure there were no serious injuries I stood up and looked back towards the barrier. Except, there was no barrier. Instead all I saw was a huge crater that was still covered in a dust cloud and an eerie reddish glow. Even though I couldn't see anything in the crater yet due to the dust I could still feel the dragons mana, albeit quite a bit weaker.

                   "Rose..." Cici started to say in a panicked voice. "Lily.. I can't feel Rose..."

      Using more mana to heighten my senses I started to search for even a trace of Rose's magical signature. But no matter how much I tried I couldn't sense it anywhere. Now starting to panic myself I rushed over to the edge of the crater and used wind magic to instantly disperse the dust cloud. As soon as I could see I was instantly confused. Down in the crater on the far side, the dragon sat shielded in a multilayer barrier with cracks all across it, and it appeared to be on the verge of collapsing.

       Directly in front of it was a seemingly unscathed Rose. She was floating in the air with her hair flowing around her as if in some kind of antigravity state. A dark blood red aura was pouring from her like a thick mist and her eyes were glowing the same color. However, what truly threw me off the most was the fact that I couldn't feel anything from her. Her aura, mana or even magical energy. Even though I could physically see the mana leaking from her I couldn't feel shit.

      Pulling me from my thoughts, the dragons barrier suddenly dropped and it looked pretty pissed off. It started releasing more of it's own aura in the same way as Rose. The only differences being that his was a blackish green and I could still feel it as it was flowing.


        Without even waiting for a response the dragon used it's tail to launch massive spikes of solid rock towards Rose, while at the same time started pulling in more mana getting ready to use it's flame again. Seeing that I couldn't just stand here and watch. Now that there wasn't a barrier keeping me back I started to charge mana of my own. But just as I went to throw myself forward and into the crater I hit what seemed to be an invisible wall or something. Looking around trying to figure out what the fuck was stopping me all I could see was Rose extending a hand towards me.

       No sooner had I seen that I noticed the rock spikes that were flying towards Rose suddenly crumble into dust not even five feet from her. Not a single one managed to hit it's mark. Just then I felt an immense heat and look over just in time to see the dragon once again release it's flame. However this time it stopped halfway between them, looking as if it hit the same kind of invisible wall as I did. With my jaw hanging I went to look back towards Rose to see what the fuck was going on but she was no longer there.

       In that slight millisecond she had disappeared and reappeared directly behind the dragons head. Holding out her hand, the red mist around her gathered and solidified into a giant warhammer. Canceling it's attack, the dragon realized where she was and went to turn around with his jaws open wide, ready to swallow her.

                  "Know your place you insolent runt..."

     Every word she spoke was laced with power and bloodlust. And right before the dragon was about to snap his jaws around her, she swung the warhammer with a speed even I had trouble tracking. The warhammer connected with a loud boom and a sickening crunch as the dragon was sent slamming into the bottom of the crater. Once the dust settled the ground could be seen covered in a gory mess that used to be the dragons head, the rest of it's body seemingly imbedded into the stone.

       Rose then floated down closer to it as the warhammer once again turned to blood red mist then spread out covering the dragons corpse. The corpse itself started to slowly disintegrate, turning into even more of the eerie red mist. After it had completely disintegrated all of the mist flew back towards Rose as she absorbed it all like a sponge.

       As the last wisps of it was absorbed into her skin the glow from her eyes diminished and she dropped like a puppet without it's strings. No longer feeling anything holding me back I launched myself forward, just managing to grab her and turn us around before my back hit the stone and everything went black.



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