Chapter 58

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                                  Rose's POV

           'Fuck this place...'

   I've been walking around for an hour or so now and I haven't seen anybody. Whatever is blocking my sensory magic is really pissing me off. All I've seen so far is a shit load of crumbling brick buildings. It's pretty obvious that this used to be a pretty big city or whatever at one point in time.

   I kinda wonder what happened here. Looking at all the damage it's pretty clear that a lot of it wasn't simply from time taking it's toll. It's like some kind of war or something happened here, on a major scale. On top of the obvious damage there's also deep claw marks in the brick here and there. Whatever left those had to be big and damn strong.

      'This shit sucks... I'm taking a break..'

   Just as I was about to sit my ass down on a random pile of bricks I was suddenly startled near to death by the sound of an explosion or something not far from me. Looking towards the sound I could see smoke rising from a building around two blocks from me.  Not so happily getting back up I started to slowly make my way towards it.

           'Well shit, it's a start.. I just hope it's one of the others and not something else...'


                                   Elrin's POV

           "FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK... Why me?!"

   Quickly jumping through another hole in the wall and dashing around the corner I found myself at a dead end. Turning around I could see a living nightmare come bursting around the corner. It appeared to be some kind of wild dog from hell. It stood around seven feet tall and was completely covered in an orangish flame. It had sharp horns coming out of it's head in random directions and a jaw that split down the center both horizontally and vertically with rows upon rows of jagged teeth.

      It's been chasing me for about half an hour now and no matter what I do I can't seem to shake it. Looking around all I can see are brick walls and the fucking monstrosity in front of me. The walls around me are all around ten or more feet tall so no point in trying to climb. I quickly reach behind me and check my quiver and realize I only have about three arrows left, two enhanced with a whirlwind spell and one more enhanced with an explosion spell.

           'Fucking dead ends.... I'm going to have to time this just right....'

        Grabbing a whirlwind arrow and getting it ready to shoot I tense up and wait for the damn thing to come after me. I didn't have to wait long thankfully, as soon as it realized I was cornered it charged straight at me. Once it was about five feet away it lunged at me with it's jaws open ready to take a bite out of me. Holding my breath I jumped backwards and pushed off the wall sending me over the damn thing by mere millimeters.

    As soon as it was below me I fired my arrow and braces myself for the whirlwind spell to go off so close to me. As soon as the arrow left my bow it ignited and the whirlwind blast hit me full force, effectively sending me around ten or so feet in the air. Just before I started to fall back down I managed to hook one end of my bow onto the edge of a nearby wall. Using my momentum I was able to swing myself up and over into the next building.

            'That was way to fucking close...... I want to go home....'

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