Chapter 59

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                                Lily's POV

      I'm starting to think I might know where we are, I just need to look around a bit more before I'm certain. But judging by what I've seen so far, the obvious signs of battle and many different claw marks in the brick, I am pretty sure i know what happened here at least. I need to hurry up and find the others.

     As I was walking down a torn up alleyway I suddenly caught the scent of something very familiar. A certain burning, rotten, foul scent I haven't smelt in a long ass time. Running through the alley and jumping onto a nearby roof I took a look around to find the putrid things I could smell.

    Then I saw them. Three massive flaming mutts with horns all over their heads and jaws split into four, Alreanen Hounds. They were chasing something I couldn't quite make out from here but common sense says it's most likely one of the others. Those stupid, ugly, poor excuses of supposed mutts. Their very existence feels insulting to me.

      With a burning rage I shift back into my truck fenrir form, shake out my fur and do a light stretch, preparing to give chase.

               'Time to remind those mutts what a true canine is...'


                                Cici's POV

                    "JUST FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE ALREADY!! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT!!" I throw yet another condensed fireball at the beasts behind me while yelling.

       I've been running from these ugly things for awhile now and no matter what I throw at them they simply shrug it off. I need to be looking for Rose not dealing with this bullshit. But they're too fucking fast to try and outrun and too strong for me to take down alone. It would be one thing if there was only one of the damned things, I might even be able to kill it if it was one on one. But no, there just had to be three of the fucking things chasing me.

         Quickly switching things up and running up the side of the next building, I barely managed to dodge as one of them snaps their jaws shut right where my legs were just a second ago. That was entirely too close. I'm quickly running out of stamina and yet these things seem like they never get tired. At the rate this is going I might be monster chow soon.

      Jumping to the roof of the next building I use low scale earth magic to weaken the bricks under my feet right before I jump again. Thankfully it worked because as soon as the closest monster lands on that spot the bricks give way and it falls through.

            "Take that you piece of sh- ugh...."

     As I was looking back and seeing my trick work, I failed to notice another one of them lunging at me from the side. It didn't manage to bite me but it did ran into me hard enough to send me flying a couple buildings over and through a wall. Desperately trying to catch my breath and get up I was suddenly too dizzy to stand and my head hurts like crazy.

      Rubbing my head and looking at my hand I realized I was bleeding pretty badly, I must have hit my head hella hard being launched through that wall.

               "I need to get up..." I tell myself as I once again try to stand. "I need to find Rose.."

    I managed to make it to my feet albeit hella shakily and attempt to take a step just to collapse again. I'm way to disoriented to move that much and I'm trying my hardest not to pass out. Giving it everything I had I at least managed to semi crawl over into a corner to try and stay out of sight until I can move again.

     Luck however, is clearly not on my side. Not even a minute after I manage to make it to the corner all three beasts come crashing through the wall next to me. As soon as they see me they start slowly creeping towards me, getting ready to lunge in for the kill.

        Seeing that I'm screwed I finally start to give in to the darkness taking over my vision and all I can think about is Rose. But instead of feeling the pain of being torn to pieces I hear something that gives me the shivers yet feels so familiar. Straining to hear it again I realized that the monsters have stopped to listen as well. Not a second later I hear it again but much louder and obviously getting closer. It was a powerful and enchanting howl that seemed to shake the very foundation beneath me.


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