Chapter 12

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                       Rose's POV

              "What the hell is this place?" Cici asked in awe.

     After going through the secret passage we found ourselves going down a spiral staircase that led us deep underground. I was kind of expecting us to come out on the side of a cliff or by the beach. But instead there was a strange metal door at the bottom.

     What made it strange was that it had weird runes engraved into it that I couldn't quite make out and it looked like it hadn't been opened in years. The entirety of the door was rusted over yet it still seemed pretty solid.

      Since we had no other way to go we managed to pry the door open but going through was when we were really confused. As soon as we had walked through the doorway a bunch of light crystals embedded on the walls started to light up a ghostly blue.

      The next thing I noticed was how big this chamber was. I'm pretty positive that it's about as big as the Beast King's throne room except the only thing in here besides the light crystals was a giant statue of a dragon on the far side of the chamber and an intricate magic formation engraved into the ground.

          "I'm not really sure... Maybe some kind of ancient summoning chamber or whatever.." I answered while dusting off a spot on the ground trying to get a better look at the formation. "I don't recognize any of these runes...."

                   "Didn't you just take that guy's memories? He had to have known about this place, it is beneath where he lives."

          "Actually, the only thing I saw about this chamber in his memories was the door. For whatever reason he either wouldn't or couldn't get it open..."

                   "Ok. That's definitely weird..."

     Hell yeah it's weird. He was exiled to this island for years and even had a hidden passage that lead down here, yet he never opened the door.. Now I really want to know what the runes on the door meant.

     Anyway, we need to find a way out of here. Going back up is a definite no go so we need to figure something out.

            "All that aside though, help me look for a way out. Hopefully there's another hidden door or something in here." I tell Cici while starting to look around.

     Together me and her started looking everywhere. We kept feeling the walls for any kind of mechanism, inspecting the floor to see if there were any marks indicating something slid across it as well as looked at the ceiling for any kind of hatch.

      After looking almost everywhere the only place left to check was around the creepy looking dragon statue. The thing was huge. Standing at least fifty feet high with stretched out wings about a hundred feet wide.

             'Oh man... I'm glad it's just a statue...'

    I couldn't help but to be cautious of the statue. Other then it being so crazy looking I started to get a weird feeling from it the closer I got. Deciding that I was most likely just being silly, I tried to put it out of my mind, I need to find a way out of here. Maybe there's a door or something behind or around the statue.

        "Ummm.. Hey Rose.." Cici called out as I was inspecting the front of the stone dragon. "I think something's up with your mom's sword..."

     No sooner had she said that I started to feel my back heat up. I quickly pulled the sword off my back saw that it was glowing even through the sheath. It's strange for it to react like that, there's definitely something up.

      Before I could give it a second thought the ground suddenly started to shake. Being caught off guard, I ended up losing my balance and falling on my ass. Groaning at myself I went to stand but as I looked up I immediately froze in place.

      As the ground continued to shake I watched as pieces of the stone statue were breaking and falling apart. But what was shocking the most was that right where the pieces of stone broke off there was now dark green scales in their place.

     It wasn't long before the last pieces fell off and standing in front of me was a living breathing dragon. And he looked pissed.

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