Summer fun

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It's been around three weeks since we got Harry. We have been cleaning and painting a lot lately. The house is done with two rooms, which can wait. I have been writing to my friends every day, but we haven't gone to see the Weasleys yet.

 Mr.Screech and Hegwig have gotten close and fly around the house together. Kreacher is also friendly to only me because I treat him with respect.

 I have loved going to the library and reading. I have read so much lately and am talking to the Mystery boy on the wall. Every time Dad or Father is in the room, he is gone. Which I find weird. 

The boy I met at the park; I have been seeing him a lot more there from my window. Sometimes I go out there to talk with him but its rare. I mean he is cute but he is not my type.

I woke up from another nightmare. I looked around my room momentarily, taking a few deep breaths. I tossed and turned before deciding to read a book. I headed out of my room and to the library down the hall. I opened the door and lit the fire before beginning to read.

"Hello again," said the mystery boy

"Hello, Mystery Boy," I smiled 

"Why are you up so late?" 

"Nightmares," I said quietly

"About what?" he asked 

"My Aunt Lils and Uncle James are dying. I was there that night, and I-I witnessed it happen," I said quietly, "I've had nightmares for as long as I can remember," 

"You saw them die. My--I mean James and Lily," he said, surprised

I nodded, "It's not my favorite to talk about. I miss them," I looked down

"I'm sorry for intruding. I'll let you read Y/n," 

"Okay, Mystery Boy," I said, continuing to read.

After a few hours, the sunlight can crash into the room. I finished reading my book pic, picked up another one, and started reading.

"Y/N! Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU!" yelled Dad, sounding scared

I rushed out of the library, "IM RIGHT HERE, DAD! LIBRARY!" I yelled out 

I saw Dad running up the stairs as I ran to them. He engulfed me in a hug, "I woke up and went to check on you, and you weren't there," 

"Sorry, Dad. I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep. I went to read a book in the library," 

"Nightmare?" he said worriedly, cupping my face, "What about?" 

"The night when James and Lily died," said Father walking up

I nodded, "Yeah," 

Dad hugged me and kissed my head, "I am so sorry Pup. You don't deserve to see that ever," 

I hugged him tighter, "I just hate these memories I have of them falling over and the green light,"

He hugged me tighter, "Do you want something to eat?" 

"No. I don't eat after a nightmare," I said 

He nodded, "Understandable. Why don't you get some rest this morning. We all can have a board game day," he smiled.


"Y/n right hand on red," said Harry as I and Dad played twister

I placed my hand under my body and laid it on red. My head was about two inches from my Dads butt, "If you fart, imma kill you," 

"Uncle Padfoot's left hand on the green," 

Dad moved but ended up falling, making us all laugh

"You so old," I laughed

"I am only 35," he laughed

"Old man," said Father

Dad glared at my father, laughing, "You five months younger than me,"

"Old man," we said in unison

"I hate you all," he groaned

"N,o you don't," said Fathe,r sitting next to him and leaning over

Dad pulled him down as they kissed. Harry and I looked at each other as they began to make out. Harry tossed a pillow at me, and we struck them laughing. Father grabbed the pillow from me and threw me over his shoulder, making me laugh, "PUT ME DOWN!" I said, hitting his back

"Nope," he laughed as he and Dad spun Harry and me around, and we all laughed. 

After a few minutes Harry and I were set on the couch laughing. Father lost his balance and fell into a chair,"We are getting to old for that Sirius," he said as Dad sat on his lap 

"Yes," Dad nodded smiling

"You never answered us when Y/n asked if we could hangout with our friends some time and bring them over" said Harry

"Well we think its a good idea but let them know that the house is still in working order," said Father

Harry and I nodded.

"Go invite them for next Sunday to next Tuesday," said Dad  

Harry and i ran out of the sitting room and to our bedrooms immedialty. We wrote letters to all of our friends.. I jumped around my room excitedly before returning to the sitting room. I heard moaning and turned around. I walked into Harrys room,"Dont go into the sitting room," I said closing the door

"Not again. Can't those two keep it in their pants," he said laughing on his bed

"I know right," I laughed

I sat down at Harrys desk,"I can't believe we only have a month left of summer vacation," 

"Same here. This has been the best summer ever," he smiled

"It really has," I smiled

Harry and I talked in his room for a while until I returned to mine, played some music, and danced around. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now