Gryffindor Vs.Ravenclaw

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As I gazed out of the locker room window, my heart raced with anticipation. The stands were nearly full, with excited students and teachers making their way to their seats. Among them, I spotted Fred and George, sporting our team numbers on their cheeks in a show of support. Leanne waved a homemade banner with our names on it, while Lee proudly wore Alicia's number on his cheek. Even Professor McGonagall was in the audience, sitting with Mr. Rickers and Gwenog Jones from the Holyhead Harpies.

My nerves were getting the best of me as I mentally prepared for the upcoming match. But before I could spiral into a full-blown panic, Ginny appeared at my side and gave my shoulder a reassuring tap.

"You'll be fine, Y/n/n," she said with a comforting smile. "We got this, right guys?"

Confidence washed over me as Katie flashed another encouraging smile and we all nodded in unison.

"ARE WE READY?" Lee's voice boomed through the locker room as he grabbed the microphone.

With determination in our steps, we walked out onto the field, brooms in hand. On the other end, I could see the Ravenclaw team emerging from their own locker room. As we met in the middle of the field by Madam Hooch, Roder Davis from Ravenclaw stood tall and proud.

"Gryffindor Team includes Captain Y/n Lupin-Black, along with fellow Chasers Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet," announced Lee over the loudspeaker. "Ginny Weasley as the Seeker. Ronald Weasley as the Keeper and Andrew Kirke and Jack Sloper as their Beaters."

The cheers from our fans echoed around us as Lee proceeded to introduce the Ravenclaw team. Our eyes locked with determination and adrenaline fueled our bodies as we prepared for one of the most important Quidditch matches of the year.

With a firm handshake, Hooch Davis and I mounted our brooms and launched into the air. The crowd below cheered and roared as the quaffle was released. Y/n Lupin-Black wasted no time in snatching it up and darting towards the ground, with Davis hot on her trail. It was a thrilling game of cat-and-mouse, with Black expertly maneuvering her broom to avoid her opponent's grasp.

As commentator Lee excitedly narrated the intense action, Black passed the quaffle to Spinnet, who deftly weaved between players before tossing it to Bell. Chambers of the opposing team snatched up the quaffle, but Black narrowly avoided being hit by a bludger thanks to a skilled save by Ron Weasley. The Gryffindor stands erupted in cheers as Black gained possession once again.

Flying at breakneck speed, Black made a daring 360 turn while still tightly clutching the quaffle. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff supporters alike held their breath as she weaved through defenders before passing to Katie. With a quick dodge of a bludger, Katie passed it to Alicia who then sent it flying towards me.

Faking right and shooting left, I soared towards the goal post and scored for Gryffindor. The stands shook with thunderous applause as Lee declared "BLACK SCORES!"

The roar of the stadium filled my ears, drowning out the Slytherin's jeers as Ron made one save after another, leaving our team victorious. I cheered on my teammates, weaving through the air with Katie and Alicia by my side. Glancing up at the stands, I spotted Mr. Rickers and Gwenog Jones standing in amazement at our performance.

"Weasley is our king, Weasley is our King! He didn't let the Quaffle in,Weasley is our King!" The Hufflepuffs joined in with our chant, their voices blending with ours in perfect harmony. Suddenly, a bludger came hurtling towards me. I felt the impact on my left shoulder and winced in pain, but gritted my teeth and passed the quaffle to Katie before they could score.

"Go score!" I shouted as I popped my shoulder back into place with a loud cry. Pushing through the pain, I flew after Katie and Alicia as they worked together to keep the Ravenclaw chasers from scoring. My eyes caught sight of Ginny and Cho racing towards the snitch, their brooms almost touching. Thinking quickly, I signaled for Andrew Kirke to hit a bludger at Cho. It connected with a loud crack, sending her off course and giving Ginny an advantage.

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