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Darkness clung to every corner as if it were a living thing, reaching out with tendrils of inky blackness. The air was heavy, pressing down upon me like an unseen weight. I stood rooted to the spot, my heart pounding in my chest, as I observed the scene unfolding before my eyes.

"Who's there?" The voice echoed through the dimly lit house, betraying a sense of unease and trepidation.

"Show yourself!" The demand went unanswered, swallowed up by the oppressive atmosphere.

And then I saw him – a tall, snake-like man slithering into the house with a grace that belied his sinister appearance. His skin was pallid, devoid of warmth, and his eyes glinted with a cold, malevolent intelligence. It sent shivers down my spine, and yet I couldn't look away, held captive by the horrifying spectacle.

"Wh-what do you want?" the trembling voice called out once more,it sounded like my uncle James but the snake-like man offered no response. Instead, he continued his slow, inexorable advance, weaving his way through the shadows toward some unseen destination.

As if drawn by an invisible force, I found myself following him, my feet moving of their own accord. Questions swirled through my mind, each one more urgent than the last: Who was this man? What did he want? And why had I been thrust into this nightmare?

"Please," the voice begged, now choked with tears. "Just leave us alone."

But the snake-like man paid no heed, his unyielding gaze fixed on whatever lay ahead. As we approached the end of the hallway, I caught sight of a door, slightly ajar and spilling forth a thin sliver of light. It was from here that the voice emanated, its plaintive cries growing more desperate by the second.

"Do something," I thought, my own sense of helplessness overwhelming me. I tried to reach out, to intervene somehow, but it was as if an invisible barrier stood between me and the unfolding horror.

"Stop!" The voice shrieked, now tinged with abject terror, but it was too late.

The snake-like man had reached his quarry, slithering into the room like a serpent poised to strike. I lingered in the doorway, unable to move or even breathe, dreading what I would see next.

"Please, no," the voice sobbed, its pleading barely audible over the thundering of my own heart.

"Silence," the snake-like man hissed softly, his cold eyes flickering with cruel amusement. And that's when I knew – this was no ordinary dream. This was a nightmare from which there could be no escape.

The snake-like man's nostrils flared as he stood in the dimly lit hallway, his malicious glare fixed on the petrified figure of James. "Get out of my way, Potter," he sneered, his voice dripping with venomous contempt.

James' eyes widened in fear; for a moment, he seemed frozen to the spot. But then, as if spurred by some unseen force, he turned and sprinted up the staircase that loomed before him. Panic clawing at my chest, I watched helplessly from my hiding spot beneath the creaking floorboards, my breath ragged and shallow.

"Pathetic," the snake-like man spat, his lips curling into a cruel smile. With a flick of his wand, a sickly green light erupted from its tip and soared across the room, cutting through the air like a razor-sharp blade. The sickening sound of the curse hitting its mark echoed through the house, causing my blood to run cold.

"No!" My thoughts screamed in silent agony, but my voice refused to obey. The snake-like man stepped over James' lifeless body, his eyes now gleaming with triumph.

"James... please, wake up," I pleaded inwardly, tears streaming down my face as I crawled out from my hiding place. His body lay sprawled on the top step, his once-vibrant eyes now dull and unseeing. The weight of despair crushed me; how could everything have unraveled so quickly?

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now