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I am currently reading my Defense against the Dark Arts book for the O.W.L exam coming up in a little over two months when I ran into someone knocking my book out of my hand and me flat on the ground,"Sorry," I Groaned. Looking up

"You alright?" asked Cedric, lifting me up from the ground

"Yeah just studying for O.W.L exams,"I explained, picking up my books which had fall out of my bag

"Do you need any help? I passed my O.W.L exams with all Accetables, Exceeds Expectation and Outstandings," he said as I put my books except D.A.D.A,"I am helping my girlfriend and her friend for studying on Mondays and Wednesdays. We could study Tuesdays and Thursdays,"

"Are you any good at divination or History of Magic?" I asked jokingly

"Yeah. I am brilliant at History of Magic and I make it fun unlike Binns," he smiled,"Divination I am okay at but I get the job done,"

"I might have to take you up on helping me study,"I smiled

"You know where to find me," he smiled

I nodded as we went our separate ways. 

I headed into Charms and took my seat. The class was very effective for the O.W.L exams. I took a lot of notes for class. I headed out with Katie and Leanne," So Y/n I thought you were behind us when we walked to class but when we turned around, you were gone," said Leanne

"Oh I accidentally ran into Cedric while I was reading. He offered to help me study," I said,"But Fred has been helping me study and he also has been distracting me for studying which has been hard,"

"Yeah and I don't think Fred would like that his girlfriend would be studying with another dude," said Leanne as we walked into the Great Hall

I nodded,"Fred wouldn't like that,"

"What wouldn't I like?" asked Fred behind us

I jumped in surprise,"Oh Cedric ask if I needed help studying for the O.W.L exams. He is helping his girlfriend Cho and her friend studying as well,"I told him

"What did you say?" Fred asked as we sat down

"That I would think about it. As much as I love our study sessions which turns into makeout sessions. I really need to focus on my O.W.Ls. McGonagall said I need an Outstanding in Transfiguration and Charms. An E in Potions, Herbology, Magical Creatures. An A in everything else,"

"Fine then I wont kiss you," said Fred looking away

"You know that's not what I mean Fred,"I told him,"I mean that if I don't get at least 5 Outstanding on my exams I wont hear the end of it from my fathers who got 5 Outstandings or more on their exams. Not to mention I have to look for internships over the summers to be a quidditch professional!," 

"Why are you putting so much pressure on yourself," said George worried

"Because I have to. You think I haven't noticed younger kids looking up to me,"I pointed to a group of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors starting at me, "because I am the girl who spoke! I tried to stop Lord Voldemort at two years old, and now people think of me as a leader. So Sorry for trying to help everyone and maintain my grades. Of course, I am stressed!"

I stood up grabbed my bag and started walking out of the Great Hall. I was so angry I wasn't looking where I was going. I ran into someone, but before I could stumble back they grabbed my wrist and pulled me up,"Sorry,"I said 

"Might want to look where you're going, Y/n. Thats the second time today," said Cedric

"Yeah Sorry. Just have stuff going on," I shrugged,"I gotta go. Have fun with your girlfriend,"I smiled at Cho before walking again and leaving the Great Hall. I went up to the library and went to the third floor to my study corner. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now