Fainting Sirius

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After thinking it over for the next week I had decided to try with Fred. That meant a lot of do it which I didnt mind. Even though we have been trying for months I am still not pregnant and I am worried if I am infertile. No I can't think that way!

Its been really boring stuck at Aunt Muriels house not being able to go out of the property. I had to practically beg my fathers to let me stay with them during the last week of Tonks pregnancy becuase I wanted to be their for my little sibling, Teddy Remus Lupin-Black if its a boy or Thea Minnie Lupin-Black. Named after Ted Tonks past away. 

I quietly walked into my childhood bedroom, the familiar scent of lavender and vanilla filling my nose. Tonks stood in front of my open closet, her face contorted in pain as she leaned against the doorframe. "Are you okay, Tonks?" I asked, my heart racing with concern.

She gasped and clutched her sweatpants, which were now soaked with water. "My water just broke," she managed to say between heavy breaths.

A surge of excitement rushed through me as I realized that this was it - the baby was coming. "Oh, shit!" I exclaimed happily. "Quick, change into this nightgown." I handed her a soft, flowy gown and helped her out of her wet clothes.

As she changed, I could see the contractions intensifying, causing her face to twist in pain. "Come on, let's get you to lie down," I said as I guided her towards my bed.

"PADFOOT, MOONY! IT'S TIME!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

My fathers quickly ran up the stairs and burst through my bedroom door. "I'll send a message to Andy and Molly," said Dad frantically as he paced around the room. My other father's breathing became labored as panic set in.

"Father, grab some ice chips. Dad, send those messages and grab some towels," I instructed them firmly, shooing them out of the room to give Tonks some privacy.

Once they were gone, I closed the door and piled pillows behind Tonks to make her more comfortable. There was a light knock on the door and Andromeda peeked inside with a smile. "How is she doing?" she asked softly.

"In PAIN!" screamed Tonks from across the room.

Both of my fathers entered with Mrs. Weasley trailing behind them. Fred stood by the doorway, his expression filled with worry. Father took over holding Tonks' hand as I went to Fred, wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug. "Anything?" he whispered, his hand gently resting on my belly.

"Not yet," I sighed

He gently kissed my cheek before turning his attention back to Tonks, who let out another ear-splitting scream of pain. I turned to look and saw Dad collapsed on the ground, causing me to spin around in surprise.

"Not again," Father sighed as he bent down to help Dad up.

"What do you mean not again?" I asked, walking over to them with concern etched on my face.

"He fainted when you were born," said Father, a fond smile on his lips as he looked at me.

I chuckled and shook Dad gently before grabbing a blanket from the cabinet under his head. "I'll be in the kitchen," said Fred, quickly walking away as Andromeda tried to lift the sheet covering Tonks.

I took my father's place on the floor next to Tonks, holding her hand tightly as she began to push while screaming expletives. Her hair was changing colors rapidly from pink to all shades imaginable.

"One more push, Dora," said her mother encouragingly, "He's almost out."

Tonks shook her head tiredly, but I lifted her up and sat behind her. "Come on," I told her firmly, "One...Two...Three..." With our combined effort, we guided her upwards and she pushed with all her strength.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now