Dumbledores Army

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The low hum of whispered spells and the occasional flash of light filled the Room of Requirement, as Harry paced up and down between the rows of students practicing their wandwork. He stopped in front of Fred, George, and me, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Remember, it's all about the flick of the wrist," he said, demonstrating the movement with a sharp snap.

Fred grinned and mimicked him, aiming his wand at George. "You hear that, Georgie? Better watch out for my wicked wrist action."

George snorted, brandishing his own wand. "Bring it on, brother dearest. I've been waiting for an excuse to Stupefy you into next week."

"Alright, you two," I interjected, rolling my eyes playfully. "Let's not get carried away. We're here to learn, not duel each other senseless."

"Fair point," admitted George, lowering his wand. "Alright then, let's see what you've got." He gestured toward me, and I raised my wand.

"Stupefy!" I shouted, flicking my wrist just as Harry had shown us. A jet of red light shot out from my wand, hitting George square in the chest. He collapsed onto the floor, completely stunned.

"Nice one!" exclaimed Fred, clearly impressed. As he turned to congratulate me, I took advantage of the momentary distraction to disarm him.

"Expelliarmus!" I called, sending his wand flying out of his hand. Fred raised an eyebrow, grinning sheepishly at me.

"Should've seen that coming," he said, leaning in to give me a quick peck on the cheek.

Across the room, George was being revived by Katie Bell, who looked both amused and concerned. They exchanged a few words before she helped him to his feet, their hands lingering together for a moment longer.

"Alright, everyone," called Harry, clapping his hands to get our attention. "Let's wrap up for today. Remember to practice on your own time, and we'll meet again next week."

I avoided her gaze, focusing instead on gathering my things from the floor. Angelina had been giving me sideways glances all day, and I'd been trying to ignore her. But now here she was, sidling up to me and eyeing my outfit with disdain.

I'd opted for a simple tank top and sweatpants to allow for easier movement during the lesson, but it also meant that the long scar on my ribs was visible. Angelina seemed transfixed by it, as if it were some kind of challenge.

"Can't believe you're still wearing that," she sneered, nodding toward the scar. "You'd think you'd want to cover it up or something."

The comment stung, and I felt a flicker of anger in my chest. But before I could respond, Fred stepped in between us, glaring down at Angelina with an icy stare.

"Angelina," he warned in a low voice. "Leave her alone. It's just a scar."

Angelina opened her mouth to say something else but was cut off by Harry's loud voice echoing across the room.

"Alright everyone! Time to go!" He clapped his hands together once more, ushering everyone out of the Room of Requirement before turning back around to face us with a friendly smile. "See you all next week!"

We all said our goodbyes and began filing out into the hallway, leaving behind only a few stragglers – including Fred and me – still lingering in the room. Fred draped an arm over my shoulders protectively as we started down the corridor side-by-side.

"Don't let her get to you," he murmured softly into my ear as we walked away from the Room of Requirement. "She's not worth your time."

I nodded mutely in response, grateful for his understanding and support as we made our way back to Gryffindor Tower together.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now