Seventh year

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I was double checking my trunk making sure I had everything I needed for the school year. I heard a tap on the window and looked to see Mr.Screech holding a letter. I opened the window and let him in,"Hey bud. Here you go," I smiled taking the letter and giving him a treat.

He screeched before heading into his cage. He used his beak and closed the door himself making it lock. He normally does this when he sees me packing. I looked at the letter and it was from Fred.

I set it on my desk along with the other letters before taking a swig of alcohol from the wine bottle.

"You know if would be easier to read the letters," said Dad leaning on my doorframe with a soft smile on his face,"It would help you realize whats going on with you and Fred,"

"He broke it off remember," I said grumpily walking back to my trunk

"But he also said he would do anything to fix it," said Father,"He is sending you letters every day these past two weeks to get you to talk to him,"

I shrugged placing my leather jackets in the trunk. I pulled my hair back into a bun on the nape of my neck. "I can't read them yet," I muttered,"It hurts to much still,"

"Maybe that pain is the reason to open them and read them," said Father,"Remember what I told you in your fourth year after you and Marcus Bleby had broken up?"

I shook my head as I closed my trunk

"Remember when you said you loved Bleby?" said Father


"Well he was your first heartbreak but not love Pup," said Dad wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"While Fred is your first love and..."

"and you never truly get over your first love..." I muttered looking down at my trunk

"So at least read those letters when your ready," said Dad turning me around to face him

"I will,"I nodded

"We will take your trunk down to your bike. Why don't you get your broom and Mr.Screech," said Father placing the letters in my bag

"Yup," I nodded grabbing my broom and Mr.Screech.

We headed out of the house and loaded my stuff on the back of my bike. I turned to my Dad and Father who were tearing up,"Oh dont cry," I said wiping their tears

"But your growing up. Your in your seventh year," said Father,"I remember getting your wand for the first time. Getting your first robes. You were so short then," he chuckled

I rolled my eyes at him,"I know you won't be able to write while your with the werewolves but be safe Moony,"

"I will Pup," he smiled

"Dad remember I am always a letter away if you get bored. Besides I think Molly would love company during the year,"I smiled

"I know Pup. Remember to take care of yourself," he smiled,"We will apparate to Kings Cross when you leave on your bike. One last ride before your last year," he hugged me tightly

"Yup. One last ride," I smiled

I got on my bike and turned it on placing the helmet on. I waved good-bye to them before taking off. I drove through the streets of London looking around. I got to Kings Cross as Harry and the others pulled up. I got off my bike and tripped backwards.

I felt an arm around my waist,"Careful there Black,"

I looked up to see Enzo Berkshire; Slytherin, 7th year,"Thanks Berkshire,"I said standing and shrugging him off.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now