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"Y/n you have a letter," yelled Dad in the kitchen at Lupin Cottage.

My parents thought it would be best for us to move into the Lupin Cottage as only Order members know where it is at. Death Eaters have been seen outside Grimmauld place.

I head down the stairs to him as I was done getting ready for work. I grabbed the letter from him as he fed my works Owl. I opened the letter

Dear Y/n Lupin-Black,

It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the current state of the Wizarding World. Due to the dangerous conditions of travel, we have unanimously decided to pause all games and practices until further notice. While our players will still receive pay, we unfortunately are unable to earn money from ticket sales during this time.

I hope you understand the necessity of this decision and the impact it will have on your income. As a result, your pay will be cut to 10,000 galleons per month until the situation improves.


Miss Robert, Quidditch Association President

"Well I dont have work for a while but I am being paid," I said to my Dad,"The Quidditch Professional world wants its players safe. So they are pausing on all games and practices,"

"Good now I dont have to worry everytime you leave here," said Dad pulling me in for a hug,"What do you want to do today?"

"How about we go to the Burrow for the Order Meeting? We need to know the plan for picking up Harry next week," I suggested

"Thats true," Father nodded sipping tea with Tonks beside him

"Hows the whole sibling thing going?" I asked them

"Well we are hoping she is going to be pregnant by August so the baby can be born in April," said Dad as we placed on our jackets.

I nodded smiling,"By the way I want a little brother," I giggled. They chuckled as we apparated.

We walked to the front door and announced ourselves. The door swung open and Ginny pulled me from my parents. I laughed running with her,"Oi! Let me see my girlfriend!" Yelled Fred

"Nope," yelled Ginny as we ran upstairs

Ginny pushed me inside her room where Hermione was reading a book,"Hey 'Mione," I smiled hugging her

"Hey Y/n! How have you been feeling?" she asked looking at my collarbone

"I'm doing much better and much stronger,"I smiled brightly at her

Ginny began rambling on about her time at the internship for Holyhead Harpies. I smiled having watched her the whole time there. I just listened to her smiling

"Y/n!" yelled Dad,"Meeting,"

Hermione and I both stood up. Hermione and Ron were joining us with the mission to get Harry as they are both 17 and now apart of the Order. I slid down the railing jumping off,"Hi," I smiled at everyone around the table. Mr. and Mrs.Weasley, Bill, Fleur, Tonks, Father, Dad, Fred, George, Kingsley, Ron and Hagrid now me and Hermioen

"Sit," snapped Moody 

"Oh lighten up," I snarled sitting down beside Fred leaning closely to him 

"Anyways," said Hermione,"Who is with who when we travel to and from Harrys Aunts?"

"We will apperate there but about 5 miles away. Be ready to walk," said Mad-eye 

"Or run,"I muttered queitly. His eye snapped to me and I bit my lip as Father kicked my leg under the table 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now