Twins birthday

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"Katie, let go decorate the twin's room for their birthday,"I told her for the 10th time.

"Aren't they in there?" asked Leanne

"No, Lee took them to go pranking for most of the day,"I said quickly

"I want to decorate their room," said Leanne as Katie met me at the door

"Then let go,"I pointed out,"Normally, I am the last one out of the room,"I laughed

"I'll meet you there," said Leanne, pulling on shoes

Katie and I headed to the twin's room. Lee gave us his key to get into their dorm.  I started by making the balloons fly up. Fred's favorite color is dark red. George's favorite color is blueish-grey. Leanne finally came and started helping Katie with the streamers around the twins beds. I placed the balloons around their beds. I threw confetti all around their beds for fun. 

"Y/n shouldn't you go get Freds present," said Katie looking at her watch

"Oh yeah. I am really glad Cho hung onto it for me," I said smiling,"I'll be right back," 

They nodded as I left the room. I headed downstairs; I looked around the common room to see that the boys weren't there. Katie joined me because she was going to get the alcohol for the celebration. I headed to the Ravenclaw tower luckily someone walked out,"Excuse me Is Cho Chang in there?" I asked

"Oh Yeah. Shes with her boyfriend," said the second year,"I'll get her for you," 

"Thank you,"I smiled

A few minutes later Cho and Cedric came out with my present for Fred

"Here Y/n," said Cho smiling

"I own you one Cho. Thank you for holding it for me," I smiled

"Of course. We all know Fred Weasley loves to snoop around," said Cedric with a slight laugh 

I smiled grabbing the present,"How's studying going, Cho?"

"Pretty good if someone. . "she looked at Cedric,"Wouldnt distract me," 

I chuckled,"Fred does as well," 

I waved them bye before heading back to the Gryffindor common room. I heard Fred and George laughing with Lee down the hall behind me. I busted into a run and practical screamed the password. Katie came running behind me. We ran past everyone and up to the twins room. Katie set down the stuff and ran back to our room for Georges present. She ran back panting,"The twins are here," 

My eyes widen as Leanne and I started setting up their gifts on their desks. Katie set up the alcohol table as we heard a key turn in the lock. 

"SURPRISE!" we yelled as the door opened

Fred and George jumped,"What the fuck!" 

"Happy Birthday Freddie,"I smiled,"Happy Birthday Georgie," 

"Thank you," said George hugging Katie 

"How long did this take you girls," asked Fred hugging me tightly 

"About two hours. Lee was supposed to keep you out a little longer," I glared at Lee 

"I tried my best but the twins wanted to come back here. I did manage to take some wrong turns," said Lee jumping on his bed

"I helped to it wasn't just your idiot girlfriends," said Leanne crossing her arms

Fred and George tackled her in a hug,"Whatever Miss.I want attention," laughed George as they got up

"I dont know how you two deal with them," said Leanne

"Easier then it looks," said Katie,"17 how do you feel?" she asked them

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