The Protector

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"Y/n, are you coming with us?" asked Ginny, her voice muffled by the coat she was putting on.

I smiled and shook my head, "I will on Christmas. I just want to let you all have some time with your dad." As I leaned in to kiss Fred's cheek, I noticed a playful smirk on Charlie's face.

"Thank you to you two because I am ten galleons richer from Bill," he said with a mischievous glint in his eye.

I rolled my eyes at him and playfully nudged his shoulder, "Shut it, Charlie."

"Nope," he replied with a pop of the 'p', causing us all to laugh. The Weasley children were visiting their dad in the hospital for the second time. They had gone on December 19th and it was now December 22nd.

"Bye love," smiled Fred as he hugged me goodbye.

"Bye, be safe," I told him and the others before they left.

"Okay," he nodded before walking out with the rest of his siblings. Mrs. Weasley ushered them along, reminding Harry to hurry up and put on his jacket.

"It's on, it's on!" whined Harry as he struggled to get his jacket on properly.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I made my way over to my father's side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, giving me a warm hug.

As soon as the word "Pup" left Dad's lips, I knew something exciting was about to happen. With a mysterious twinkle in his eye, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house and into our backyard. The scent of freshly cut grass mixed with the familiar smell of dad's old motorcycle filled my nose.

Confused, I looked up at him. "Okay?" I asked, unsure of what was going on.

"Hagrid brought my old bike back to me a while ago," he said, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

Before I could even process this information, Father appeared out of nowhere and grabbed both our collars, pulling us back towards him. "Sirius! We said to wait until Christmas," he scolded, giving Dad a disapproving look.

"Why?" whined Dad, trying to squirm out of Father's grip.

I couldn't help but giggle at their antics. But then Dad turned to me with a mischievous grin. "Is it my Christmas gift?" I asked eagerly, already imagining myself riding around on that bike.

"Maybe," he replied sheepishly, earning himself another scolding from Father. But before things could escalate any further, Dad pleaded with him. "Remus, I want to show her now!"

Father sighed and rolled his eyes. "Three more days," he said firmly.

Deflated but still excited, I turned to head inside when Father had an idea. "Y/n, why don't you take this time to read that book I gave you?" he suggested, referring to the thick book about my magical abilities that he had been encouraging me to read since I arrived for winter break.

I nodded eagerly and headed inside. Ever since discovering my powers, Father had been adamant about me learning and understanding them as much as possible before heading back to Hogwarts where distractions would be plenty.

I sat comfortably in the cozy library, the smell of old books and dust filling my nostrils. The pages of my book rustled as I turned them, lost in the fantastical world of magic. Suddenly, a voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Ah, you are showing signs of the magical abilities," said Regulus, his portrait above the fireplace coming to life. "I was always jealous of that."

I looked up to see his piercing blue eyes staring down at me from the canvas. "Yup. I am learning to control them though I kind of got it handled a while ago," I replied with a smile.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now