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I walked out of the Harpied Headquaters to a lot of people snapping my picture. I covered my face placing in my trunk and broom into the back compartment of my bike. I ran back into the headquarters,"Alright I will see you all for my Christmas break," I smiled

"Remember we only need you for one meeting on December 20th. The rest of your time is yours," smiled Mr.Rickers

"Thank you. See you girls next summer," I smiled at my intern friends who all got a reserve postion. 

"Bye girly," Lucy smiled with her trunk 

I bid my good-byes before heading out again. I ran to my bike and got on covering my face. I put on my helmet starting my bike,"Y/n. . .Y/n where are you going?" 

"Home," I said before heading off. 

After a long drive home and the wind in my hair. I decided to visit the Burrow; it was nearly nightfall by the time I reached there. I got off my bike as lights turned on. I headed to the door and knocked four times. 

"Who is it?" asked Mr.Weasley

"It is Y/n Lyra Lupin-Black. Daughter of Sirus Orion Black and Remus John Lupin. I have a scar from my shoulder blade to the front of my rib from my fathers werewolf. I am a chaser on Holyhead Harpies. I also am dating Fred Weasley," 

The door opened,"Y/n!" yelled Harry tackling me into a hug

"Hi Harry," I smiled at him. He grew quiet a bit over the summer and is almost 6 feet tall,"Stop growing up on me Harry!" I smiled at him

"Sorry Y/n/n but I can't," he laughed,"You just need to start growing," 

I shoved him aside,"I'm 5' 7 I am a perfect height for a girl," I huffed

"Yeah you are," smiled Ginny as I brought her into a hug,"How was everything?" she asked

"Brillaint. Do you have the interview paper at all? I wasn't able to get a copy of it," I asked Mrs.Weasley as I hugged Hermione and Ron 

"We did but I don't have it anymore," she smiled,"You looked so grown up and professional. I absolutely love those photos of you in the uniform and your regular outfit,"  

"Thank you Mrs.Weasley," I smiled 

"Are you planning on staying the night?" asked Ginny,"Please stay the night," 

"I wanted to see Fred tonight but how about I stay tomorrow night," I told her,"Is that alright?" I smiled at Mr. and Mrs Weasley

"Of course," Mr.Weasley smiled as a large pounding on the door happened

"Oi its William. Oldest of the redheaded bunch," said a booming voice

"How much did you owe Charlie when Fred and I got together?" I yelled back

"10 galleons," 

I opened the door,"Hey Bill," 

"Hey Y/n/n," he smiled bring me in for a hug

"Y/n go to Fred that way you can come home with us tomorrow," said Harry,"Sirius misses you. Remus has been traveling for the order. So sirius has been alone quiet a bit," 

"Okay I'll make sure to visit my Dad like I planed to," I smiled,"See you tomorrow," I waved

I headed back out on my bike smiling. I headed to diagon alley and walked into the Leaky Cauldron seeing it empty. I ordered a to-go butterbeer and Tom smiled brightly. I grabbed the butterbeer and paid before heading to the shop. I saw boarded up shops and the whole shop looked sad and dull. I looked up to see The Weasley Wizards Wheezes bright, colorful and filled with customers. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now