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It is about the 2nd week of December. McGonagall wants all Gryffindors form year 4 and up to go to the Great Hall tomorrow for an announcement.

We sat in the boy's room, joking and talking for a while. I got up from the floor I had been lying on with Leanne and sat on Fred's trunk at the end of his bed. Leanne passed me the firewhiskey bottle which I took a sip out of before giving it to Fred.

"Lets play truth or dare," said Lee hanging upside down from his bed with Katie.

"You start,' said Katie poking his cheek drunkenly

"Georgie," said Lee

"Dare," said George sitting on his bed

"Kiss Katie," said Lee

Katie and George went bright red. George got off his bed trying to be confident and walked to Katie who sat up. He grabbed her chin making her look up at him and kissed her.

That kiss turned into a snogging session,"Oi he said kiss not snogging," yelled Leanne laughing

George pulled away from Katie,"Fuck off Leanne," he grabbed Katie and pulled her to his bed.

Katie blushed the whole time and was smiling like a little kid at a candy store.

"Leanne truth or Dare," said George holding Katie who was laying on his bed

"Truth," said George

"Who do you like?"

"Kenneth," said Leanne

"Towler?" asked Fred who was leaning over the edge of his bed beside me

"Yeah,"Leanne flushed

"He likes you as well," said Lee sitting up

"Really," said Leanne sitting up happily

"Yeah," said Fred,"He wont stop talking about you or asking about you. Its really annoying sometimes,"

Leanne smiled happily,"I'll have to talk to him soon," she looked at Lee,"Truth or Dare lee,"


"What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done?"

Fred and George busted out laughing as Lee went red.

"I-um-So in 3rd year. Fred and George pranked Snape. Well while they were doing that I was in here singing to The beetles. . . " Lee began laughing,"Butt naked,"

Thge girls and I all busted out laughing

"Then Fred and George walked in and immediately turned around and left," said Lee

I fell back onto Freds bed laughing so hard.

We continued to play for hours laughing about the stupidest stuff.

"Freddo," said George drunk

"What Georgo," said Fred laughing

"I dare you to kiss Y/n,"

My heart did a summersault as I felt heat rise up to my face. I felt a hand on my chin turning my head. I looked right at Fred who had red cheeks, sitting beside me"Do you want me to?"

"Its for a dare," I said,"Besides we've kissed before," I chuckled.

Fred smiled and leaned in as I did as well. Our lips touched slightly before he smashed his lips on mine. I shifted my body toward him as his hands cupped my cheeks. I felt butterflies in my stomach and it felt like fireworks shooting in my head. My hand flew to his hair as I twirled his hair in my fingers.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now