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We celebrated Harrys birthday with a bang. I am happy to say that Harry and I have gotten really close throughout the summer and we both view each other as siblings. I have been writing to all my friends a lot but Fred and I have been writing everyday to each other. There is about 2 weeks left of summer before we head back to school.

I woke up to Dad jumping on my bed,"Wake up! Todays the day you get your first three tattoos!" He yelled

"No duh!" I said groaning,"Get out so I can get dressed!"

"Fine Pup ," Dad laughed,"Just hurry it up,"

He walked out of my room and I got dressed into biker shorts and a tang top. I threw my hair into a messy bun. I saw Errol flying towards my room so I opened my window up and caught him,"Hello Errol," I said setting him next to Mr.Screech

I took the letters from his legs. One addressed to Harry, one to my fathers and two to me. I looked at the two letters from Fred and George. I jumped onto my bed and opened the letter from Fred 

Hello Y/n, 

I hope you had a good day yesterday. George and I pranked our older brother Bill making his hair turn blue with white strips which was hilarious. There hasn't been to much going on here lately though Dad get tickets to the Triwizard tournament for all of us. 

Isn't your tattoo thing today? Let me know how it goes! I can't wait to se your first tattoos. Anyway, I hope to see you soon, Y/n/n. I miss you like crazy. If you feel bad about yourself and that fucking beautiful, badass scar feel free to write to me 

The funnier and better looking Twin

I smiled at the letter setting it on my bed

"Y/n hurry it up!" yelled Father

"Coming," I said grabbing the other letters

I headed downstairs to the kitchen,"Morning,"I smiled

"Morning Pup," said My fathers

"Mornin Y/n," said Harry as I handed them their letters from the Weasleys. 

"You gotta eat before the appointment," said Dad

"I know. You've been saying this for a week straight," I loaded my plate and began eating my food. I drank plenty of water as well. I opened Georges letter while I ate

Hey Y/n

Not much has been happening here. Fred and I have been working on prank ideas and supplies by the store. Mum has been yelling at us for using them on our brothers which has been funny. Anyways Dad got us Triwizard tickets which everyone has been buzzing about lately. Oh, and if you ever see those boys again, give them a nice punch from me

The better-looking Twin

"You are enough, Pup? Do you need more?" asked Father making me look up from the letter

"I think she's had plenty but if she wants more she can," said Dad

Harry and I just laughed on how worried they are

"I think I am good," I said standing,"Can we go?"

"Yes we can,"said Dad

Dad and I bid our goodbyes to Harry and Father. We headed out of the house and to the street. We walked until there was a alley way where we apperatted to a tattoo shop

We headed inside and we're welcomed by the tattoo artist,"Is that Sirius Black? Long time no see my brotha!" Said the artist smiling

"Hello Jordan," said Dad hugging him,"This is my daughter Y/n Lyra Lupin-Black,"

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now