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I jumped as a loud bang went off and the blindfold was taken from my eyes. I adjusted to the sun which was starting to set as another Bang came into view. I looked to see Fred smiling brightly as the fireworks continued. 

He points up as the fireworks say my name


Next Firework'Will'




I noticed that half the school was here, and I thought I'd mess with him and act like I was thinking for a while

"I know what you're doing Black," he chuckled 

"What am I doing Weasley?" I teased 

"Will you or will you not be my girlfriend?" he said, walking up to me and pulling my waist in

"Obviously," I giggled 

I heard the girls squeal behind me as he kissed me softly,"Good," 

He hugged me tightly and twirled me around as the school clapped

"Mr.Weasley. Miss Lupin-Black detention for unauthorized use of fireworks," sneered Snape 

Fred set me down but held me close to him, "Sorry that I have a love life unlike you," he mumbled into my head. I stifled a laugh in his chest. 

"I heard that. Two detentions, Mr.Weasley," said Snape

People started to flow out of the field. Katie and Leanne giggled as they pulled me away from Fred, who grabbed my arm and pulled me back," Nope shes my girlfriend. You two don't get her all the time now," he wrapped his arm around my waist

I felt butterflies in my stomach, or maybe it was hunger I don't know, but I knew I liked being called his girlfriend. 

"Sorry, but Y/n still hasn't eaten her food from earlier," said Leanne 

"Love," said Fred

I looked up at him,"I was about to, but your idiot town called us down," I pointed to George

"Hey, Fred needed you," said George, raising his hands

"So you saying it Y/ns boyfriend's fault," said Katie, wrapping her arms around his stomach

He wrapped his arm around her shoulder,"Yup," 

I felt spun around and lifted over a shoulder before I could say anything," Freddie put me down," I said hitting his back

"Nope," he said as his arm went under my but holding me as he carried me inside. 

Our friends laughed as they followed

"Are any of you going to help?" I asked  them

"No," they said in unison

"I hate you all," I rolled my eyes

"No you don't," said George as they walked into the castle and I just hung on Fred's shoulder

I looked up to see McGonagall and Sprout standing outside of the Great Hall,"Minnie help me!" I yelled

"No can do Miss. Lupin-Black," she smiled 

I groaned,"But My fathers are your favorite!" 

She chuckled as Fred walked around the corner. He walked downstairs to the dungeons and headed to the kitchen. He tickled the pear before it opened up. He placed me on the table,"Dobby!" he said loudly

"Yes, Mr.Weasley," said Dobby with his tennis ball eye. A sock hat on his head with two very different socks on his feet walking up

"Can you get us some food, please?" he asked

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now