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I woke up wrapped in someones arms on the couch. I saw no one was in the living room or kitchen and figgured I woke up first. The christmas tree was decorated with all the bulbs on the tree from when the Weasley kids were little. I saw baby photos of each of them and even pictures of Harry, Hermione and I on the tree as the 'Adopted Weasleys'. Presents set around the tree in little piles around the tree. 

I felt the person grip tighter around my waist and nuzzled their face into my neck even more then a familar scent wahed over me. I flipped around to see Fred sleeping with his hair slightly covering his face and drool leaving his lips. I brushed the hair out of his face and kissed his cheek waking him up. He tightened his grip on me,"Morning my love," he said in the hottest raspy voice ever

"Morning," I smiled at him as his eyes were still closed,"Merry Christmas,"

"Merry Christmas," he mumbled,"Sleep," he pushed my eye lids down

"Mmm no," I smirked getting out of his arms and headed to the kitchen. I heard him snoring softly again as I made tea. I saw I was still in my outfit from last night and so was Fred. I grabbed pj from my trunk and quickly changed into them.

I headed to the front door and leaned on the side of it looking outside. It was Christmas but yet no snow on the ground but it was cold out

"Your stronger then last night," said Father sneaking up on me

"Yeah," I jumped surprised by him

"Remember you have to eat more then before until you body is used to the power," he reminded me

"I know," I smiled at him sipping my tea

"I smell snow," he said taking a whiff 

"What?" I asked confused chuckling a little

"Look," he pointed out

I looked out into the field seeing little flurries falling from the sky in the golden sunrise. I smiled leaning on my Father enjoying his company and the veiw. 

Dad joined us and leaned with us; he kissed my head and Fathers cheek,"Morning family,"

"Morning," Father smiled at him 

The ground had a little snow covered while we were outside. I could smell Mrs.Weasley's cooking and heard people slowly getting up. 

We headed back inside and I walked to Mrs.Weasley,"Need any help?" I asked

"I got it deary. Why don't you join everyone at the tree," she smiled tapping my cheek gently

I nodded and headed over to the couch. Fred was still asleep; I walked beside George,"Thinking what Im thinking?" I asked

"Yup," he smirked

He went outside to the chicken coop and I went upstairs to the restroom and grabbed shaving cream. I walked downstairs to see now everyone was up and gathered around. George walked in with a smirk. 

I sprayed some shaving cream onto Freds hand as my fathers,Bill, Ron, Harry and Ginny were holding in their laughs. Mr.Weasley, Hermione and Fleur was shaking their head at us. 

George tickled Freds cheek making Fred move slightly. He did it again and again until Fred slapped the shaving cream in his face; he smeared it all down his face as everyone burst out in laughter,"YOUR SO DEAD GEORGE!" yelled Fred getting up

"It was Y/ns idea!" yelled George pushing me towards Fred

"RUDE!" I yelled running away from Fred. I shoved George infront of me as I ran to Mrs.Weasley hiding behind her. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now