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Mrs.Weasley made sweaters for when Ron,Harry and Hermione for when they returned. Luna Lovegood was kidnapped from the train on their way back home for the holidays. Tonks is 5 months pregnant. Fred and I have been doing amazing and slowly doing wedding planning. Ginny is unpacking her things for break.

"Its been awful Y/n," said Ginny when I asked her about her schooling so far. I noticed a few bruises on her,"The Carrow siblings are horrible. If you don't have the same views as them they hurt you horribly. Its even worse if your half-blood or muggle-born,"

I wrapped my arms around her tightly as she stopped unpacking. She held onto me as I confronted her,"I got you," I whispered into her head as she broke down. She continued telling me stories about Hogwarts and what its become and I felt horrible for her.

"Everything alright?" asked Fred walking in,"Ginny whats wrong?" he asked worried

Ginny pulled away sniffling,"Its nothing," she shrugged

"Hogwarts is horrible Fred..."I told him exactly what Ginny and the other are going through

"We need to tell Mum," said Fred

I nodded agreeing standing up,"Ginny you are safe here," I told her,"Come on lets go downstairs,"

She nodded and I pulled her with me. Fred picked her up over his shoulder making her laugh and cheering her up as he ran down the hall. I ran after then following hearing Ginny laughing. We ran past Katie and George who ended up joining us in the hall with running.

We all skidded to a stop at the dinning hall. I showed my head inside,"Mr and Mrs.Weasley can I speak with you?" I asked

They nodded confused and walked out of the dinning room. Mrs.Weasley saw Ginnys red eyes and brought her into a hug,"Whats wrong Ginny?" she asked kissing her head

Ginny hugged her Mum tightly. Ginny told her about Hogwarts and the horrible Carrow Siblings.  Her parents were both in shock. Normally Ginny isnt one to cry but seeing her like this you know Hogwarts is bad.

Fred and I decided to let them talk so we headed back upstairs.

"How do you think the trio is?" I asked worried about them

"I dont know. Its snowing out and we have zero clue where they are," said Fred

"Mr.Screech somehow does. I send some fruits and bread to them once a week," I told him,"I sent more food and some presents for christmas like warm clothes,"

"I know. I was there helping you. I can't believe how good Mr.Screech is to finding people. I remember how fast he was in finding you when we moved Harry," said Fred wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked into the room that connected George&Katie and with ours. It had a game room in it.

There was a fuse ball table, dart board as well as some other fun games. Katie and George had been playing on the ping pong table. I walked to one of the seats as george spoke up,"Hows Ginny?" he asked

"Not great," said Fred

Katie hit the pingpong as George turned around and got hit in the back of the head. Fred explained to him and Katie what Ginny is going through.

I asked Katie if she wanted to help me do a girls night with Ginny to get her mind off of Hogwarts. She has visible bruises and cuts on her that will heal.

"Of course," she nodded

I smiled at her. With help from my parents we were able to place a television in the room. Katie and I know how to work the television, being half-blood that is. My father taught me when I was younger and my grandmother on his side was alive.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now