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"Y/N!" yelled Harry as I was walking in the corridor with Leanne on our way to Lunch. I stopped and turned around to Harry who was running to me,"I found out the first task," he whispered into my ear once he reached me,"Moody gave me a hint about what to do," 

I nodded,"Leanne. . ."

"Go. I'll bring you food later," she smiled 

I thanked her before grabbing Harry's wrist and pulling him and Hermione, who finally caught up into an empty classroom. 

"Dragons," said Harry as I closed the door

"Dragons?" Hermione and I said in unison

"I have to fight a Dragon," said Harry

"Like kill it?" I said shocked

"I don't think so Y/n," said Hermione,"What was the hint Moody gave you Harry," 

"To use my broom," said Harry"But I am not allowed a broom,"

"Your allowed a wand,"I said smiling,"Accio Harrys broom," I yelled waving my wand and opening the door. 

A minute later the broom came flying down the corridor. I caught it and walked into the room

"The summoning charm!" yelled Hermione,"Y/n you're brilliant!"

"Why thank you!" I smiled and bowed placing it on the desk

After a few hours of Hermione and I working with Harry on the Summoning charm. He was starting to get it. I start feel exhausted,"Look its been a long day. Lets work on this Monday,"  

"Why not tomorrow?" asked Hermione

"Tomorrow is my birthday and I am spending it with my friends," I told them,"Have a good night,"I waved walking out of the room

I knew that they would continue working so I just headed up to the common room. I slugged my way over to my friends and laid on the floor in front of the fire. 

"Tired Y/n?" asked Katie

"Tired, hungry, bored," I said into the floor 

I felt something hit my back,"Eat," said George 

I grabbed the item and looked at it,'I am not dumb George. This is one of your prank treats," I said putting it on the table

"Told you," said Fred smiling 

I sat up from the floor to see Angelina and Alicia were with us. Angelina was sitting really close to Fred almost on his lap. 

"What were you doing?" asked Angelina wrapping her arms around Fred bring him closer to her

"Helping Harry with the first task,"I explained,"I skipped on lunch so I am hungry," 

Angelina scoff quietly but I heard her 

"What Angelina?" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Nothing," she said quickly as everyone looked at her

I rolled my eyes,"Sure. You just scoffed after I said I am hungry," 

She chuckled before standing,"Its just that you of all people don't need to eat," 

Katie stood up,"Angelina get out of here before I knock the shit out of you," she glarred at Angelina

"What? I am just saying the truth," said Angelina

I grabbed Katies hand before she could punch Angelina,"You know what Angelina? At least I am not an insecure little bitch that needs to be around a guy to feel secure,"I smirked, "I am happy with how I look. Maybe instead of trying to downgrade other women start growing up. After all you are 17 making fun of a 15-year-old. How pathetic," 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now