Interviews and Photoshoots

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I road through the countryside with Harry on the back of my bike. My Dad riding with Father as we drove to the Burrow laughing. We sent Harrys trunk over early this morning before heading out. I turned the bike stoping suddenly in front. Harry jumped off the bike laughing,"That was a lot of fun," 

"Good," I laughed

"Y/n! Why did you lift that front tire!" yelled Father getting off the bike

"For fun," I shrugged walking with Harry

"Relax Moony. Her and Harry were safe," said Dad

I turned around to see Dad had pulled Father in for a kiss and Father melted in his arms. I smiled walking in,"Y/N! HARRY!" yelled Bill seeing us

"Hey Bill!" I smiled hugging him 

"How are you two?" 

"Doing okay. Though everyone now calling me 'The Chosen one' and Y/n 'The Protector'," said Harry shaking Bills hand 

"Meh," I shrugged,"I didnt do nothing," 

"You saved my life Pup," said Dad,"I'd say thats something," he wrapped his arms around my shoulder

"Is that Sirius I hear?" asked Mrs.Weasley walking into the living room,"Sirius! Remus! HArry! Y/n! How lovely to see you all!" she smiled hugging us 

"Hello Mrs.Weasley," I smiled as Harry was being dragged away by Ron and Hermione

"Y/n dear when are you leaving for your internship?" asked Mrs.Weasley 

"I leave in about an hour. I thought I'd get there a few days early. I am taking my bike there instead of the train. Just thought I'd say bye to you all," I smiled brightly

"Okay dear. Make sure you see us before you go back to school. Did you see Fred at all?" she smiled

"Yeah, she stayed the night last night," said Father covering Dads mouth as he was going to say something. 

"Let me make you something to eat on your way there," said Mrs.Weasley going to the kitchen

"Oh you dont have to. . " I said quickly 

"To late," said Bill chuckling as Mrs.Weasley started with the food

"Y/N!" yelled Ginny running down the stairs

I stumbled back as she jumped on me,"Hey Ginny!" I laughed hugging her

"I can't believe you'll be gone for a month!" she said sad 

"Don't worry you'll see this face all over the daily Prohpet. I have like four interviews and a lot of photoshoots," I smiled,"Plus pictures of me as 'The Protector and the Girl who spoke'" I waved a daily prophet  

Y/n Lupin-Black; The Protector?

Young Y/n Lupin-Black, with her dark curls and big curious eyes, had become the talk of the wizarding world. At just the tender age of two, she had already made a name for herself as "The Girl who spoke" among witches and wizards alike. Her boldness and fearlessness were admirable, and her determination to stand up against He-who-shall-not-be-named had captured the hearts of many.

As she grew older, Y/n's reputation only continued to grow. She was praised for her bravery and her unwavering loyalty to protecting the wizarding world from evil. And even though she was still just a child, Y/n had already proven herself to be a force to be reckoned with.

After protecting her Father, Sirius Black, from a killing curse from Bellatrix Lestrange during the Department of Ministry fight. Rumors had begun to circulate that Y/n inherited the powers of her powerful ancestors from the Black family line. Only members of the house of Black truly know what these powers are. 

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