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Ron wasnt better for the game so I made Mclaggen the keeper which was a horrible choiuce becuase he acted like captain. He knocked Harry off of his broom landing him in the hospital wing with a fractured skull. Gryffindor won barely from Hufflepuff which I was thankful for.

I was doing homework at my desk in the dorm when the door opened,"Hey Leanne," I said not looking up from my essay

"Wow you dont even know your best friends,"

"KATIE!" I yelled jumping up from my chair

I tackled her into a hug onto the floor making her laugh. I hugged her tightly smiling"Let her up to breathe," said Leanne

I chuckled getting up and pulling Katie up,"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I was scared during it but I dont really remember what happened with it," she explaineds Leanne stood beside her,"I saw George as I woke up," she blushed

"I bet he is really happy your awake," I said following her to her bed

"Did you two sleep in my bed?" she asked

"yes," we nodded smiling jumping on her bed with her

She asked what has happened throughout the year and Leanne and I spent the morning telling her everything that happened,"Hold up so you were hit by a killing curse and now you have more powers," she said in shock

"Yeah," I chuckled

"Not only that but for two months yoiu had another person basicially living inside of you,"


"And you and Fred fucked a lot over break,"


"Damn I missed a lot," she chuckled as Leanne  finish explaining her stuff to her.

"I know," chuckled Leanne

We talked for a while as we headed down to lunch. I felt a tug on my sleeve and turned around," Um Y/n," said a young girl looking nervous

"What's up, hun!" I asked bending my knees to her level

"I-um-I saw Riddle kissing a girl," she stuttered

"Where?" I asked standing up fully having forgotten we were doing this today because my best friend is back

Harry stopped Katie to talk to her and Draco ran out of the great hall as I followed the second year. We walked through the caslte and I reassured the girl that I wasnt mad at her. 

"He is..um...down there," she said quietly 

I looked down the hall to see Riddle kissing Lisa Turpin with a lot of other students around. Many turned to me in surprise. I made eye contact with McGonagall who was walking down the hall; she gave me a go ahead nod and turned into her classroom. 

I stormed up to them; Riddles hands were on Turpins butt pinning her against the wall. I cleared my toaght loudly making Riddle turning to me. He had a smirk on his face for a second before turning wide-eye,"I-uh-Y/n darling I can explain," he stuttered 

"No," I faked glared,"You told me I had nothing to worry about with you and Turpin then you go and fucking make out with her in the middle of the hallway!" I slapped him hard across the face making people'Ooo' he glared at me,"I hope you have fun with her Mattheo because--"

"Baby please," he 'pleaded' walking up to me

I held my hand up to him stopping him,"No Mattheo...Have fun with her...We are done Riddle," 

I turned around from him and walked away. I smiled at the younger girl as I walked past with my friends. 

"So Y/n is single now?" asked a 5th year boy

"Good luck with that," said a 6th year,"She won't even look in your direction," 

I chuckled walking away. I sat at the Gryffindor table,"Glad thats done," I whispered to Leanne.

Leanne nodded,"Now you can think about Fred more," 

Katie and I chuckled. Leanne and I helped Katie get caught up with all drama from Hogwarts. McGonagall walked over to us,"Ms.Bell may I speak with you," 

"Of course Professor," she nodded

Katie had left with McGonagall for a couple of minutes before coming back,"So I have to study really hard this next month because I need to take every test and all the homework I missed over the five months I was out in order to graduate on time or I don't graduate with you all," 

"Fuck that! I will help you! I can see if Hermione would make a schedule!" I reassured her

"Okay," said Katie worried

"Hey girly don't be worried. Everything will be okay," said Leanne tapping Katies shoulder,"Y/n and I will help you all the way,"  

"This is how much stuff I have missed in each class," she set 6 scrolls,"Just face it I wont graduate with you girls," 

"Yes you will," I reassured her grabbing the parchments

Charms, Transfiguration, D.A.D.A and Potions were the longest but Leanne is excellent in Transfiguration and Potions while I am excellent in Charms and D.A.D.A. Care of Magical creatures is Leanne specialty as her grandfather was the teacher for many years. None of us were the best with Herbology but I knew Neville could lend us a helping hand. 

,"Hermione!" I called her over

"Yes?" said Hermione

"Can you do me a favor? Wellk really Katie.." 

"Whats up?"

"So Katie needs to study and do all of this homework before next month ends in order to gradute with us," I explained pointing to everything

"You want me to create a scedule?"

"Please," I used puppy dog eyes

"On it. You'll have it by dinner Katie," said hermione picking up with pages,"I'm going to see how Rons doing. I think Harry is up there right now,' 

"Okay. Telly Ron I said hi," I smiled,"Your the best 'Mione," I yelled as she walked away

"I know," she called back 

"Thank you Y/n," Katie smiled 

I smiled as we continued eating and we figured out how we will help Katie passing this year. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my head looking up to see Downing,"Yes?" 

"So your single," he smirked 

"Shove off," I snapped turning away from him,"I'm not interested," 

"You were interested in the beginning of the year," he smirked

"Well not anymore,"

He groaned walking away. We headed up to our dorm and stayed there for a while. Dean asked if he could still be a reserve for the team now that Katies back and I agreed. We sat around the room talking for hours on end Hermione evenutally dropped the scedule off for Katie who hung it up on her wall above her desk. 


Happy New Years everyone! Make sure to stay safe!

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