107. Seven Potters

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We finally were able to get into Harrys aunts house after they evactuated leaving harry alone. Hagrid rapped on the door and a few seconds later Harry opened. 

"Hello, harry," said Hagrid 

Ron hugged him before walking in followed by Hermione. I messed up his hair walking in as Hargid smiled a,"You're looking fit," 

"Yeah, hes absolutely gorgeous,"Moody started as he waddled through the door past me as I looked in the old broom cupboad which had a cot and a lot of spiders. I figured this is where Harry used to sleep,"What say we get undercover before someone murders him?" 

"Evening," Harry said as he passed him 

Mr.Weasley, Kingsley, Bill and Fluer enter the doorway after me. Bill was a lot stronger then when Harry saw him last. 

"Feeling better Bill? Y/n?" 

"Oh Our Bill was never this handsome," said Fred walking in with a cheerful smile 

"Dead ugly," said George as Fluer hugged Harry 

I rolled my eyes,"I might say Bill is better looking then you two," I smirked

"Oh really," said Fred smirking,"Thats not what yo--" 

"Enough!" said Father quickly 

"Hey Y/n/n," said Harry 

"Hi Harry!" I smiled brightly 

Tonks walked in with her bright pink hair. She had just had a shot taken for the pregancy and hopefully soon that test will be postive and in the next 10 months I will be an older sister. 

eHe reached the front of the room while saying,"Potter you're underage, which means you've still got the trace on you," 

"Whats the trace?" asked Harry looking around

"Why, if you sneeze the ministry will know who wipes your nose. The point is we have to use those means of transport the trace can't detect.  Brooms, Thestrals and the like," Moody explained as Ron leaned on the fireplace looking into the mirror picking his teeth,"We go in pairs. That way, if anyone out there waiting for us and I reckon there will be, they wont know which Harry Potter is real one,"

"Real one?" Asked Harry

Moody pulled out a flask,"I believe you're familiar with this particular brew," 

"No. Absolutley now," said Harry stepping back 

"I told you he'd take it well," Hermione said slapping Rons shoulder getting from looking at himself in the mirror. 

"No if you think I'm gonna let everyone risk their lives for me," Harry stuttered 

"Never done that before, have we?" I scoffed teasingly

"No! No this is different," Harry said turning to me,"I mean, taking that becoming me- No!" 

"Well, none of us really Fancy it, mate," Fred said 

"Yeah, Imagine  if something went wrond and we ended up a scrawny, specky git forever!" said George his eyes widensing as he leaned forward  

"Everyone is of age, Potter," said Moody 

"They have all agreed to take the risks," said Father 

I jumped off where I sat as Father spoke and pulled out a peice of Harrys hair,"Blimey Y/n," Harry said loudly 

"Straight in here, if you please," Moody instructed. I dropped the hair into the Flask, causing it to fizz. I walked to where the others were. I stood between the twins.  

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