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"Y/n!" said Katie running up to me,"What happened to your chin?"

"McLaggen fractured it," I said rubbing the bandage,"Should be healed within two hours,"

We walked to the team,"Hey guys. Congrats on making the team. Peakes and Coote; I have never played with either of you two before but you did good at tryouts. Now everyone; I know this sounds dumb but I am the professional quidditch player..." I smirked crossing my arm,"Next Sunday we are having a team bonding excerise. I will let you know what classroom it is in,"

"Okay Captain," said Ginny giggling

"Dismissed," I rolled my eyes

I walked with Katie and Ginny to a table,"So whats really going on with you and Riddle?" asked Katie

"I already told you. I have to get on his good side to learn the secerts of the Death Eaters and in order to get my Dad back from the Death Eaters," I said queitly

"Dumbledore wants you to do that?" said Ginny

"Yup," I nodded

Meanwhile in the SLytherin common room

"OI RIDDLE!" yelled Draco walking up to Riddle and his friends

"What?" said Riddle with a cigarette between his lips lighting it

"Stay away from my cousin," Draco snapped

"You know I cant," said Riddle,"Fathers orders,"

"I dont want you laying a hand on her," Draco sneered

"I mean she liked it earlier in the library," Riddle smirked as Berkshire and Nott chuckled

Draco grabbed Riddles collar,"If you hurt my cousin. I will end you,"

Riddle shoved Draco off of him,"I have no attention to acutally be with her. My fathers orders Malfoy. You know I have to get on her good side to learn whats going on within the Gryffindor group,"

"I have seen my cousin get hurt by boys. I dont want you to hurt her," Draco snapped

"No promises," smirked Riddle sitting down

Y/n Pov

Harry was walking away from Hermione,"The binding is fragile," he said holding a book

"The bindings fragile," scoffed Hermione

I snatched the book from him and opened it up walking away from him,"Who is The Half-Blood Prince," I said looking up from the book

"Who?" said Hermione

"Thats what it says right here. This book is property of the Half-Blood Prince," I set the book down by my side before tossing it to him.

"Harry. These spells are dangerous," said Hermione

"How would you know that!" said Harry walking way

"Leave him alone Hermione. He will talk about it eventually," I explained

"Leanne," said Katie seeing Leanne walk from the girls dorm tired

"H-Hey girls. What happened to you?" asked Leanne pointing to my face

"McLaggen," I said nodding to him,"Fracture my jaw,"


"Can you believe that we have been here for a week already," said Katie,"First week of our last year,"

"Yup," I nodded smiling

"Y/n what about Fred?" asked Ginny

"What about him?"

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now