Hogwarts Battle

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I had been feeling quiet ill these past two weeks but didn't want to take a test yet because it might have been food poisoning. Fred was talking with his father downstairs when I felt like throwing up. I ran to the restroom and puked in the toilet.

"Fuck it," I mumbled grabbing a pregnancy test from under the sink. I used the restroom and washed my hands waiting. I decided to actually get ready for the day so I changed from my pajamas to leggings and a t shirt throwing my hair in a bun.

I grabbed the test from the sink and looked at it gasping.

Two lines...Positive.

"Holy shit," I said sitting on the bed,"I'm pregnant," I placed my hand on my stomach smiling.

I placed the test on my nightstand laying back smiling. I am going to have a baby. Fred and I are going to have a baby. I squealed in exictiment as the door opened,

"Y/n. We have been called. Harry is at Hogwarts. The war is about to start," said Fred quickly,"Come on love," he called worried

I grabbed my wand and shoes. I placed on my shoes running to him. This was no time to share the news with him but I had to make sure I was safe during the fight for my baby.

"Why did you squeal when I came in?" he asked as we ran down the hall

"I was just reading a book and a good part came,"I lied as we got Ginny. Mrs.Weasley decieded to keep Ginny here after easter break.

We met up with Leanne, Lee, Katie, George and Alicia. We all went outsdie and apparated to Hogsmeade. I grabbed Ginnys hand as the barman from Hogshead showed us inside,"Stop using my shop as a trainstation," he scolded

We chuckled walking through the tunnel. I saw Kingsley, My fathers, Mr and Mrs.Weasley, Bill, Fluer, Charlie, Luna, Dean, and many other Order members. I hugged my fathers tightly before We walked through the castle and stopped infront of the Great Hall.

"...evacuation will be over seen by Mr.Filch and Madam Pomfrey. Prefects, when I give the word, you will organize your House and take your charges in orderly fashion to the evacuation point"McGonagall annoucned to the sea of students who were scared. 

The order and I began walking to the front of the room,"Hey," 

I turned my head to see Angelina Johnson,"Oh Hi?" I said confused

"Just incase I dont make it. I want to apoligze for everything I ever did to you and Fred. You didnt deserve it. I am truly happy for you both," she smiled 

"Thanks," I smiled awkardly as we stopped looking over the students who were all petrified in fear.  Harry seemed to be looking for someone as he showed up 

A hufflepuff by the name Ernie Macmilliam stood up,"And what if we wwant to stay and fight?" 

There was a round of applause 

"If you are of age, you may stay," said McGongall 

"What about our things?" called a girl at the ravenclaw table,"Our trunks, Owls?" 

"There is no time," I called out quickly,"You all need to get out of here quickly," 

"Whers Snape?"shouted a Slythrerin girl 

"He has...to use the common phrase...dont a bunk," replied McGonagall. A cheer rung out between the Great hall at every table expect Slytherin. 

"We have already placed protection around the castle," said McGonagall,"But it is unlikely to hold for very long unless we reinforce it. I must ask you, therefore, to move quickly and calmly, and do as your prefects---" 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now