Missing and Wanted

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June 24th, almost two months since the war ended. The calendar hangs on the wall of my new room, a small corner in the bustling Holyhead Harpies headquarters. It's not the most luxurious or comfortable living arrangement, but it will suffice for now. I've packed up all my belongings from Aunt Muriel's, the Burrow, Grimmauld Place, and Lupin Cottage. It was a bittersweet process, leaving behind cherished memories and familiar places in search of a fresh start.

Before leaving, I made sure to visit Teddy and explain to Tonks that I needed some time before returning to my old life. As I settle into my new surroundings, I can't help but feel a sense of uncertainty and excitement for what lies ahead. With summer approaching, I know that the annual games won't be starting up until next year - everyone is out of shape after months of laziness and neglecting their training.

I am at the point at which I'll have to step back and watch from the sidelines. It's a temporary setback, but when hasnt there been one for me these past few years. Plus one thing is that I'm willing to accept as I embark on this new journey towards motherhood and finding my place in this post-war world.

Speaking of pregnancy, I am roughly 10 weeks along with three precious babies growing inside me. It's been a whirlwind of emotions and changes since the war ended. But I'm grateful for this new life growing within me.

A week after the war, I sent Mr. Screech to find Harry and let him know that I am safe. I didn't give him my specific location or address, but I've been keeping in touch with updates on myself and our children. Andy and Tonks have also been giving me updates on Teddy every once in a while, which brings me comfort during these uncertain times.

"Another letter from the Weasleys Y/n," said Gwenog waving it

I sighed looking at it on the table,"I know but I just need time,"

"We get that Y/n but they lost a son that day to and..."

"I lost the love of my life and my fathers,"I interuppted her,"I know they lost a son you dont have to remind me," I wiped my tears that fell with pregnancy hormones. Every time I see their owl delivering a message, my heart clenches with guilt and sadness. But I can't bring myself to face them just yet.

But as much as I understand their pain, I can't help but feel the weight of my own loss crushing down on me every time someone brings up Fred's name.

"I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to upset you," Gwenog said with concern in her voice as she saw the tears forming in my eyes.

"It's okay," I replied with a shaky voice, wiping away the tears that fell from my eyes. "I know they are hurting too."

But deep down, I couldn't shake off the guilt of not being there for them during their time of need. It was selfish of me to take this time for myself when they were going through so much as well.

As if sensing my thoughts, Gwenog spoke up again. "You have to take care of yourself first Y/n. You're carrying three beautiful babies and they need you now more than ever."

She was right. My pregnancy has been considered high risk due to carrying triplets and it requires extra care and attention. But it wasn't just about me anymore, it was about these precious lives growing inside of me.

"I know," I sighed, trying to push away all negative thoughts and emotions. "I'll write back to them soon."

Gwenog patted my hand softly before giving me some space to collect myself. As much as she can be tough on the field, she has a kind heart and understanding soul.

"Why dont you go out for the day and get some sun," she smiled at me

"Yeah. I'll head to Diagon Alley," I smiled brightly trying to make it seem I was okay. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now