Second Task

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I spent all night looking at the entrance waiting for Y/n to return. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump,"Fred have you been down here all night?" asked George

"Y-Yeah," I nodded while yawning

"Dude you look tired. Go get sleep," said Lee

"No I need to find Y/n. What if something bad happened to her," I said standing up

"Fred you are exhausted," said Katie joining us.

I didn't listen to them and headed up to my dorm and changed my clothes to a new pair of jeans and a shirt and hoodie. I headed downstairs and walked with my friends to breakfast. The second task was at 11 o'clock at its 10 o'clock now. I looked around the Great hall trying to find Y/n but couldn't.

I ate my food really worried. I drank a few cups of coffee to keep me energized.

"Any sign?" asked Harry with a jar in his hand

"No," I sighed looking around,"haven't seen her,"

"She will show up," said Leanne,"She wouldn't miss Harrys second task,"

George and I started the betting early as I looked out for Y/n. Either she has been expelled from Hogwarts or she is really good at avoiding me. Ginny hit mine and Georges shoulders,"Dont be so rude,"

We looked at each other before chuckling and continuing. We headed down to the boats that took us to three tall towers in the middle of the lake. I met up with Lee, Leanne, Katie and Alicia on the second level. I noticed Angelina was on the second level standing away from us with red eyes like she was crying.

"Welcome to the second task. Last night something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These four treasures one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black lake," said Dumbeldore,"In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface simple enough expect for this . . . They will have but one hour to do so and one hour one their own. No magic will save them," I looked down to see Harry looking like he was chocking,"You may begin at the sound of the cannon,"BOOM

Three of the four champions dove into the lake while Harry was pushed into the lake struggling. Harry soon flipped out of the lake making us cheer.

I continued to look for Y/n during the task but couldn't find her. After 45 minutes

"The beauxbaton champion Miss. Delacour has unfortunately been forced to retire so she will take no further part in this task," said Dumbledore as Fluer was being covered in blankets

About 5 minutes later Cedric Diggory swam up with a Cho Chang and I realized that Y/n was down there,"Y/ns in the lake!" I said gasping

"What?" asked Katie

"Y/n is down there!" said Alicia repeating me

We all focused on the lake hoping Harry could save Y/n. Soon Hermione came up with a shark man that turned into Krum. Krum helped Hermione swim to the shore. After a few minutes a bright blonde hair girl came up with Y/n.

I pushed through the crowd and rushed down the stairs with my friends behind me. I got to the edge and noticed Y/n was struggling to swim with the girl on her back. There was no sign of Harry.

"Y/ns struggling to swim!" yelled Neville,"She cant hold the girl!"

I took off my hoodie and threw it at George before diving into the ice cold water. I swam to Y/n and held her by her waist. Her arms went around me and head into my neck. I pulled the young girl onto my back and swam with them to the dock. I held the girls back as I swam

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now