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We headed back inside for lunch; we walked down to the Gryffindor table. I was stopped by a few first and second years holding papers,"Go on girls,"I smiled at Leanne and Katie 

I signed each of the young kids,"There," I smiled at them before they ran off.

"Miss. Lupin-Black," said McGonagall

I turned around to her,"Hi Minnie,"I smiled,"What can I do for you?" 

She stepped forward,"Professor Dumbledore would like to see you this evening," she whispered

"Yes ma'am," I nodded smiling 

"Okay," she nodded,"Your famous now. How do you feel?" 

"Its a bit weird but I am getting used to the signatures," I smiled,"Not the reporters though," 

"Dont worry it'll be okay," she reassured me as she walked me to my friends. 

I sat down and waved to her before turning back to my friends and starting to eat. 

"You girls excited for the new potions teacher?" asked Katie

"Yeah. I am excited. I just wonder if he is nice. I mean he was a little weird on the train," I shrugged. 

"Well we got 20 minutes before class so we will figure it out," said Leanne stuffing her face. 

I felt someone sit beside me,"Besides I just want to sit by you girls. I still can't believe we have all the same classes with each other," I smiled

"I know right," said Katie looking to my right,"Why are you sitting with us Riddle?" 

I groaned taking a bit of my pasta. 

"Say Y/n wanna go on a date?" asked Riddle placing his hand on my thigh which I took off

"Did you girls here something?" I asked Leanne and Katie 

"No," said Leanne smirking 

Riddle grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him,"Don't ignore me," 

I shoved his hand off of me,"If you touch me Riddle. I won't hesitate to punch you," I glared 

"And ruin your little miss innocent image," he smirked

"Oh I am not innocent," I snapped turning away from him letting my curls hit his face. 

Katie tilted her head for us to leave and I nodded. I took one last bite before grabbing my bag and walking with Leanne and Katie. I felt Riddle right on my tail and I walked quicker. He grabbed my hair pulling it. I swung around and nearly punched him but he ducked,"Get the fuck away from me Riddle!" I snapped not caring if people were looking

I turned back around and walked to Katie and Leanne when he grabbed my wrist pulling me to him. He smashed his lips on mine. I felt butterflies before I pushed them down. I struggled trying to push him away. 

"If you kiss me back I'll let you go," he mumbled against my lips

I pulled my head back and kissed his cheek,"Never said where," I pushed him away from me as he released his grip. He fell to the ground as I wiped my lips and walked to Katie and Leanne. They grabbed my arms and we headed out of the Great Hall. 

We had five minutes until Potions so we headed down there. Slughorn greeted me with a smile and I nodded. 

"Are you feeling alright?" asked Leanne

"No. I feel like I betrayed Fred. I know we arent together but..."

"It hurts," said Leanne,"I felt the same way when Kenneth and I broke up. I haven't told you girls this but Kenneth and I playing the long game. I know he is out there and he knows I am out there and we are ready we will start up again," 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now