Mr.Weasley attack

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I was able to replace Harry, Fred and George in the quidditch team. Ginny Weasley is the new seeker. Andrew Kirke and Jack sloper for beaters. Ginny is a really great flier. The new beeters are okay but not as good as Fred and George. Umbridge has been keeping a close eye on me and threatened me with Detention one time for getting water in the hall.

I was sleeping cuddled up with Fred when I felt someone shaking us,"Y/n, its Harry. Hes sick," said Ron

"What?" I groaned sitting up

"Harrys sick," he repeated as Fred sat up rubbing his eyes

I jumped out of bed and ran to Harrys room not caring about my slippers. I saw him shaking,"GET MCGONAGALL!" I practically yelled shaking Harry,"Harry wake up!" I shook him scared,"HARRY!" I yelled as Neville ran out of the room.

Harrys eyes shot open. His whole body in a icy sweat. I managed to get him free from his blanket.

"Harry," I said kissing his head,"Are you okay? You were have a fit," I was worried about him

"Mr.Weasley he. . .he's been attacked,"

"What?" Ron, Fred and I said in unison. I didn't realize Fred was here.

"Your dad! Hes been bitten, its serious, there was blood everywhere," said Harry

"Harry. . " I said softly holding my brother,"It was just a dream,"

"No!" He pushed me away,"It wasn't a dream. . .not an ordinary dream. . .I was there, I saw it. . .I did it,"

"Boys," I said to Dean and Seamus,"Check where McGonagall is,"

"I'm here," said McGongall walking inside with her tartan dressing gown, her glasses lopsided,'What is it Potter? Where does it hurt?"

"Its Ron dad," said Harry revealed,'Hes been attacked by a snake and its serious, I saw it happen,"

"What do you mean you saw it happen?" said McGonagall

"I don't know . . .I was alseep then I was there. . ."

"You mean you dreamed this?" I asked confused

"No," said Harry standing up,"I was having a dream at first about something completely different. . .and then this interrupted it. It was real, I didn't imagine Mr.Weasley was alseep on the floor and he was attacked by a gigantic snake, load of blood, he collapsed, someone got to find out where he is. . ."

I got up behind him,"I believe you," I said placing my hand in his hand looking up at him as he was now taller then me. He gave me a smile as McGonagall agreed with me.

"Put your gown on---we're going to see the headmaster," said Mcgonagall "Y/n please get George Weasley and Ginny weasley,"

"Yes ma'am," I nodded hugging Harry,"Its going to me okay," I whispered in his ear and he nodded

I walked to Fred who was in shock,"I'll see you in a few minutes,"

"Mr.Weasley and Mr.Weasley please come to me. Miss. Lupin-Black you know headmaster password?"

"Yes Professor," I nodded

I kissed Freds cheek before going to his room. I walked to Georges bed,"Georgie wake up. Its an emergency," I shook him

"What?" said George groggily

"I-Its your dad," I told him

"What about my dad?" he sat up making Katie hit her pillow

"I have to wake up Ginny. I'll explain it downstairs. Get your dress-robe on," I told him

He kissed Katies head before standing,"I'll be back sweetheart,"

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now