This Man

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I sat in the compartment with Katie, Leanne, Lee and Alicia talking about what happened at the Minsitry. We laughed and joked around for a while. I decided to rest my head against the window and take a nap. 

I got woken up by Katie,"Lets get changed," 

I nodded standing up. I grabbed leggingsw and a white shirt and leather jacket. We headed to the restroom and got changed. The door opened and I saw Angelina and her friends walking in. I started walking out when a hand landed on my wrist. I turned around,"Sorry," mutter Angelina

I nodded not sure what to say,"Um... okay," I nodded. Alicia grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the restroom as the train stopped. We grabbed our trunks and got off the train. I hugged my friends good-bye and told them I'd write to them during the summer

"We know you'll be busy so don't worry," smiled Leanne

I smiled and hugged them one more time,"Lee and Alicia write all the time okay?"

"Girl you know it," smiled Alicia

"Of course I will," said Lee bringing me in for a hug,"I will always write my little sister,"

I smiled and ran to meet up with Ginny, Harry, Hermione and Ron. We walked through the pillar; I was laughing with Ginny on what Ron said on the train that she filled me in on. 

I saw a group of people standing there waiting to greet us some whom I wasn't expecteding

There was Mad-eye Moody-looking sinister in his bowler covering his magical eye holding his long staff. Tonks stood behind him with her bright bubble-gum pink hair gleaming in the sunlight and with jeans and a purple The weird sister's shirt. Father looking place in the face, his hair gray, long and threadbare overcoat covering a  jumper and trousers. Dad with his leather jacket and hair pulled back into a bun. Mr. and Mrs.Weasley, dressed in their Muggle best. Fred and George who dressed in brand new jackets.

My fathers made their way to Harry and I and engulfed us in hugs,"Harry we will be at your aunts in a week to pick you up," said Dad,"Then Molly and Arther thought it would be nice for you to spend the summer at the Burrow since Y/n is going to her internship and wont be around. Remus has a thing to do. You know I will come and visit you whenever I can,"

"Okay Padfoot," nodded Harry

"Y/n go to Fred," said Father,"We need to talk to the Durselys," 

"Okay," I nodded smiling 

I walked over to Fred who engulfed me in a hug and kissed my neck,"Longest two weeks ever," he mumbled 

"Yup," I nodded feeling safe in his arms

"You alright?" he asked cupping my face 

"Yeah. I am just nervous. Bellatrix now knows about my powers," I muttered

"You will be protected," said Katie hugging George as her and her parents had walked through. 

I nodded,"I know," I smiled as Fred lifted me up 

"Fred put my daughter down," said Dad walking over

Fred sighed and put me down. 

"I'll take your bag home Y/n. Padfoot brought your bike for you to ride," said Father picking it up

"Can I go to Fred and Georges shop before going home?" I asked

"Go ahead," said Father

"What no! I know what you two will do!" said Dad as Father dragged him away

I laughed and turned to Fred,"What to ride my bike?" I asked

"Sure," he nodded

"I'll see you later Fred, Y/n. I'm having dinner at Katies," said George

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now