11 years later

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The sound of thundering footsteps echoed through the house, signaling the presence of the Weasley triplets. Athena Remi, Jasper and Regulus were about to embark on their first year at Hogwarts, just like their parents Fred and George had years ago. Athena was a quiet but determined girl, known for her love of books and animals. Jasper, on the other hand, was a chatterbox just like his father, while Regulus preferred to keep to himself.

"ATHENA REMI WEASLEY IF I GO UP THERE AND YOUR NOT OUT OF BED---" yelled Fred from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm up Dad!" yelled Athena,"Jeez,"

I was always juggling chaos in the household, especially with the second youngest addition to their family, 8-year-old Marlene.

"Mum," Marlene piped up, tugging at her h/c braid impatiently, "When can I go to Hogwarts?"

"When you're eleven, my dear," I replied with a smile, glancing over at Minerva 7-years-old who was feeding their retired owl Mr. Screech and their new owl Lola.

"But I want to go now," Marlene whined, pouting adorably.

"Marlene Dorcas Weasley," Fred chuckled, "Listen to your Mum. You'll get there eventually."

Resignedly, Marlene slumped into a chair as Athena appeared from upstairs, dressed in a sleek black leather jacket and a crisp white t-shirt. Her long red hair was pulled back into a ponytail as she made her way down the stairs, her nose buried in a book as always.

Regulus stood up with a sigh as he watched Athena approach adjusting his sweater, her long hair cascading down her back in loose waves even up in a ponytail. Jasper chuckled beside him fixing his flannel, knowing exactly what Regulus was thinking. "Took you long enough," he teased. "She probably spent hours doing her hair," he added, causing Athena to roll her eyes at her brothers.

"Oh shove off," she retorted playfully. As she hoisted her trunk onto its wheels, she gave her uncle Reggie a warm smile.

"Bye Uncle Reggie," she chimed

"Bye Thena, Bye Jas, Bye Reg," said Uncle Regulus with a genuine smile in the photo on the wall. "See you at Christmas," he added, his voice carrying a hint of longing.

We all piled into the car, our conversations and laughter filling the air. I sent Marlene and Minerva to stay at George and Katie's house while we traveled to Kings cross. Minerva Y/n eagerly joined Anna Leanne and Daina Katie, Katie's and Leannes children, for a playdate while Marlene spotted Lee and Alicia's son, Dylan, playing by the pond and asked to join in.


As we arrived at Kings Cross Station, the bustling hub of trains and travelers, we unloaded our trunk filled with all of our belongings. My father and Dad were waiting for us, leaning against a nearby wall. They looked up as we approached. Teddy had already been walking to his nephews

"About time," my Dad said with a wry smile, adjusting his jacket. ,"Nice jacket, Athena,"

"Thanks Pops," I replied, returning her smile. "Oh Grandpa, did you get a chance to read that new book yet?"

"Just finished it last night," Father replied with a proud grin. He always had a love for reading and learning new things.

Meanwhile, my brother Teddy had wrapped his arms around his nephew, whispering something in his ear. I couldn't resist sneaking up behind him.

"What are we talking about?" I asked playfully, causing everyone to laugh.

"Nothing sis," Teddy groaned, pushing my head away in mock annoyance.

I retaliated by wrapping my arm around his neck and messing up his hair. He playfully pushed me away as our family continued to tease and joke around with each other.

"19 years apart and you're definitely siblings," remarked my father with a smile.

"Duh," Teddy rolled his eyes good-naturedly as we finally reached the pillar that would take us to Platform 9 3/4. It was time for another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

As we made our way towards Athena, I noticed Fred helping the boys through the bustling crowd. Dad and Teddy led the way, with Father close behind. The air was thick with excitement and anticipation.

"Ready?" I asked Athena once we reached her.

She hesitated before confessing, "What if I am not good enough?"

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. "Athena, you are brilliant. There is no doubt in my mind that you will do extraordinary things. Just believe in yourself," I kissed her forehead gently.

With renewed determination, Athena nodded and took a deep breath. Together, we ran towards the towering pillar where everyone was gathering.

"The boys are loading their trunks," announced Father, his eyes glancing over to Athena. "You alright Thena?" he asked, noticing her nervousness.

"Just first day nerves," I assured him with a smile.

Fred wrapped his arms around Athena in a tight embrace, whispering words of encouragement in her ear. She seemed to calm down as he held her tightly. Meanwhile, Jasper and Regulus ran up to me, both hugging me tightly.

"Write to me when you get there. Don't forget to tell me your houses," I reminded them.

"Duh," said Regulus with a roll of his eyes, earning a smile from me.

As the train whistle blew in the distance, Teddy walked up to me and gave me one last hug. "Bye Y/n/n," he said with a smile.

"Bye Teddster," I replied, kissing his head fondly. "Be good everyone," I added as I looked at all four of them with love and pride shining in my eyes.

And with that, they embarked on their own thrilling adventures at Hogwarts. Jasper effortlessly lifted Athena's heavy bag onto the train while Regulus extended a hand to help her up. We stood on the platform, watching them with mixed emotions as they disappeared into the train.

"Damn, we're getting old," Fred remarked, breaking the silence.

"You're one to talk," Dad retorted, rolling his eyes. "I'm already 49 years old!"

"I'm only 30," I chimed in with a laugh.

Dad ruffled my hair playfully. "See you on Saturday?"

"Yeah," I confirmed with a nod.

"How does it feel to be retired at such a young age?" Father asked as we walked out of the station.

"Meh. I get to spend more time at home with the kids," I replied with a shrug. "Plus, I was a famous quidditch player for 15 years. I've made millions of Galleons to last me for the rest of my life and then some." A smile played on my lips as I thought about my successful career and the freedom it had given me.

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now