Christmas Eve

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"Dad for the millionth time. I'm fine!" I groaned getting dressed for my visit with Katie.  


"Sirius leave her alone. Besides she will be in good hands. Plus we will only be gone an hour and then we will be back to get ready for the gathering at Y/ns coworkers brothers bar," said Mrs.Weasley 

I walked to Fred and George,"See," I told him

"Fine," said Dad still unsure. 

"I'll be with them Sirius," said Tonks 

Fred, George and I took the floo powder to St. Mungos. I stepped out to see Leanne, lee and Alicia waiting. I ran to Leanne and engulfed her in a hug. I had written her a letter that was really coded but I knew she'd get it beucase of Katie, her and my language we created at 13. 

"I am glad your safe," she whispered

"Same here," I nodded

"Girls!" said Mrs.Bell

Leanne and I hurried over to Mrs.Bell and hugged her tightly,"Katie will be glad you two showed up!" she smiled,"Even if she is not awake," 

I smiled brightly as the group followed her and Her husbands to Katies room. Katie was still but breathing. Her eyes closed and her black hair falling around her face. George went over immediatly and kissed her head. I knew he missed her terribly. I walked over to her other side and grabbed her hand closing my eyes. 

I searched for Katie in her mind. Isabella had told me that I could use my life ability to search for people soul incase they were their. I found a locked door and crying,"Katie," I said queitly in my mind

"Y/N!" yelled Katie oviously scared

"Its okay Katie! Breathe!" I said in my mind contected to hers,"The healers are working day and night getting you back. By what I can see they are nearly there. Just hold on a little longer babes. I know you got this," 

"I'm scared," she whispered

"I know babe. Everyone is supporting you through this. Your mum has been giving us updates on you," I told her

"How are you doing this...?" 

"I have more powers then the last time you saw me. I will explain when you are out of the trance btu for now you need rest,"

"Okay. Tell George I love him and my parents," 

"They already know," I smiled

I let got of Katies hand and the white glow stopped,"Shes safe but scared," I told everyone.

"How...?" asked Lee looking at my hand 

Fred whispered into his ear for a few mintues leaving Lee and Alicia shocked as she was listening in. Mr and Mrs.Bell came in with teas and coffees for everyone. We all sat around talking about our favorite memiores with Katie. 

"There was one time when me, Katie and Y/n were dancing on top of a table. Y/n and Katie were drunk and nearly falling off. At one point Y/n had to catch Katie from falling which made them both fall and the table completely fall over. I landed on Katie on the floor as we all laughed...Oops sorry Mr and Mrs.Bell," Leanne laughed loudly as she was telling the story

"No its fine. Its nice hearing stories of Katie all grown up. We knew she would drink at parties," said Mr.Bell chuckling

We spent the rest of the hour talking and encouraging Katie which I knew she was hearing all of it. I hugged my friends good-bye and kissed Katies cheek before Tonks guided me out and covered my head just incase before we headed back to the burrow.  I had given leanne, Lee and Alicia their wristbands. 

The Girl Who Spoke---Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now