twenty-six : captives

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{Two Days Later}

Andy laughs as Jack shakes his head. "And that's what you get!" Andy excitedly chuckles. "I finished 2 minutes 17 seconds!"

"Okay, okay!" Jack says, smiling as he tosses the towel down and takes a step back from the fire truck. They had been cleaning. No calls had come in today. Except well one. It was just aide car though.

"I tell you what, we go to Joe's tonight. First round on me, the rest on you," Andy says, shrugging as she smiles. Jack laughs and nods.

"Fair enough. I'm going to need it. I still can't get over-"

"Nope, we're not talking about it again. Especially not here."

"Andy we need to talk about this. You have to tell her."

A sigh escapes Andy's lips as she shrugs, swinging the towel over her shoulder, looking at the fire truck. "There's plenty of time to tell her. Besides, I still haven't figured how to say it. She's been avoiding me."

"Yeah because she knows. Or knows something."

Andy sadly nods. "Either way. I just need to find the right time."

"Maybe when she gets here?" Jack says and Andy shrugs. "Andy-"

"Caroline is coming with her today. I don't know plus it's been a couple of days since then."

"Andy, your mother is alive and the fact that-" Gun shots erupt into the air. Both Andy and Jack's smiles fade quickly as they look at one another then towards where the noise came from. Three gunman at the doors of the garage. The doors shutting. Vic and Travis stand with their hands in the air as Andy and Jack hide behind the firetruck they've been cleaning.

"Hello firefighters!" One gunman shouts as the door to the house opens with that gunman and another pushing Warren, Carina and Maya into the garage. All of them pushed to the middle, in between the two fire trucks. "Everyone get down on your knees or we start blowing shit up!"

"Andy-" Jack grabs a hold of Andy pulling her back.

"Jack... Y/n," Andy whispers looking past Jack towards the team who's forced to their knees. Three guys going around placing zip ties around their wrists. Two other guys looking around for more.

"She'll be okay. Andy we got to make a-"

"What do we got here?" A voice speaks behind them. A gun placed right at Jack and Andy's head. Slowly the two look away from one another to the two guys. "Let's go."

One grabs Jack's arm pulling him out. A scream appears from the group. The other guy grabs Andy. Andy hesitates, flinching as the guy drags her over to the group, roughly pushing her down next to Jack. Sullivan is picked up from the ground. His head bleeding as tears form in Carina's eyes beside him.

"Tie those two," the one guy says pointing at Jack and Andy. "Anybody else in the place?"

Nobody answers. The guy tilts his head and nods taking the gun he has and looking around. His eyes linger to Andy and nods. He walks over just as another guy finishes tying her hands together with zip ties. He places his big assault weapon towards her head. The woman freezes.

"Hey, wait don't," Jack and Sullivan both speak.

"I asked a question, I expect an answer," the guy said, keeping the gun directly on Andy's head. Andy closes her eyes. The end of the gun placed right against her temple.

"Nobody else is here! You've got all of us!" Ben Warren shouts. Andy slowly opening her eyes as the barrel moves away from her head. A chuckle escaping the gunman's lips.

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