eleven: complications

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The doors slide open

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The doors slide open. People run around like crazy. Nobody pays attention to me as I stop in my tracks and let my eyes full of tears glance about. My knees buckle beneath me but before I hit the ground I feel somebody catch me and stand me up properly. I move slightly and manage to keep myself up as someone comes in front of me.

"Hey you okay?" A voice asks and my eyes lock with brown ones. "Hey you-"

"I need help," I say, feeling dizzy. "S-Something's wrong." I glance down to my arm wrapped around my stomach. I look back up moments later seeing the curly haired guy looking with me and nodding.

"Okay, okay! I need-" Before he could finish his sentence I feel my body give up. I begin falling and feel him catch me as we slowly go down to the ground. "Hey! I need some help over here!"

Immediately the sound of footsteps are faintly heard. My eyes dart around as the guy looks down at me. His eyes were worried. He had a kind face. The feeling of hands pick me up and get me into another room. Less distractions.

"What do we- Oh my god," A familiar voice says. "Y/n, sweetie can you hear me?" A voice asks and I blink my eyes before seeing eyes in front of me, or well above me.

"Amelia," I whisper and look back and forth between her eyes.

A small smile spreads to her lips as she nods. "Deluca, page your sister! Someone get me Dr. Grey and someone call Bailey!"

The sound of shuffling makes me flinch and a yelp escapes my lips causing hands to be placed on my cheeks.

"Im s-sorry. It hurts. Im sorry," I whisper and squeeze my eyes shut.

"What hurts sweetie?"

"I want Andy," I mumble and squeeze my eyes together tighter. "Please I... I need it to stop."

"Y/n, hey you got to tell me what hurts," Amelia says and I open my eyes, picking up my head. Amelia's hands slip off of my face. I look at my stomach and grab my hoodie lifting it up. I look at Amelia immediately afterwards seeing her blue eyes go wide.

"I haven't been taking care of it. Im sorry. I... Im sorry," I whisper, tears slipping down my cheeks as I see Amelia nod her head.

"Sh, sh. It's okay, it'll be okay," Amelia says easily as she looks away and around the room. Her lips are parted as I lay my head back down and wrap my arm back around my stomach hearing doors open then close.

"What's going on?" A woman's voice speaks. "Oh my god, is that- Isn't Ben watching her today?"

"I don't know. What matters is-" Amelia pauses and I pick up my head seeing a short woman next to me. She meets my eyes and smiles lightly before looking to my stomach.

"Oh my. Hey Y/n I'm going to take this bandage off to get a better look okay?" The woman says and I look at Amelia who looks at me and nods. I look back to the woman and nod, laying down. My eyes trailing up to the ceiling. I feel cold hands on my skin tearing off the bandage. I squeeze my eyes shut and sink my teeth into my bottom lip.

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