fourty: hostages part II

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A low sigh escapes Jack's lips as he grabs the trash and heads out the door of the station. Everyone was still pretty much asleep and he had woken up just a few minutes ago. There wasn't any calls last night surprisingly. But it was nice on the team. Everyone needed rest. Some more than others. And Jack was one of them that needed it. When he woke and headed to the kitchen he saw the garbage was full so he decided to take it out.

Outside he tosses the garbage into the garbage cans and goes to turn when he spots an all too familiar backpack around the corner. He tilts his head walking over. His eyes stay on the bag, confusion settling into him till he gets closer seeing the bag up. He bends down slowly and grabs the bag feeling how heavy it is.

"Y/n?" He whispers and stands with it in his hand but moves it when he hears something hit the ground. His eyes go wide seeing the young girl's phone. It lights up. Missed calls and texts from Caroline fill the phone. Swiftly he bends down and grabs the phone. He lifts his head from it and looks around. Confusion settling in. Even more so than before. Something was off.

Hurriedly he turns and runs into the station. He runs up the stairs and into the kitchen and lounge room. He sets the bag and phone on the table then reaches into his own pocket for his own phone. He goes through his contacts hitting Andy's contact then putting the phone to his ear.

"Pick up Andy. Pick up," Jack says into the phone, staring at Y/n's bag and phone. But after 4 rings the phone goes to voicemail. "Damn it!" His voice raises and he removes the phone from his ear.

"Jack?" Vic says behind him. He spins and meets Vic's eyes. Her eyes go wide meeting Jack's concerned eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Something bad," Jack says looking back down at his phone and hitting Andy's contact again. He places it to his ear and his eyes go to Vic's again. The phone rings. Once... Twice... Three times. Then voicemail.

Jack pulls the phone from his ear. "Damn it. Damn it!"

"Jack hey! What's going on?" Vic asks again putting up both her hands, standing a couple feet away. Jack frantically looks around thinking but then points to Y/n's bag and phone. Vic follows and sees it, raising a brow.

"Isn't that Y/n's bag and phone?" Vic asks. Jack frantically nods. "Is she still here?"

"I found it outside Vic. Out front but in the grass," Jack says, placing his hands on his hips. His head filling with all sorts of thoughts. "And I can't get a hold of Andy."

"Okay, I'm sure it's nothing. You know I'm sure that-"

"Guys?" Travis says from the door. "Station 23 called. They're looking for Andy." Jack and Vic's eyes go wide.

"What?" They both say.

"Theo said she came here to get Y/n and never showed back up. They here or no?" Travis asks, looking between Jack and Vic. Vic bites her lip looking to Jack who drops his head.

"They're missing."


I jump awake and feel a steady hand on my arm. I tense and wince at the pain that shoots through it. "You okay baby?" Andy asks and I nod on her lap. I look straight ahead. No I wasn't okay. Neither of us are. She didn't say much after I said I knew. We both had sat in silence and I guess I dozed off for a bit.


"I was going to tell you," Andy whispers cutting me off. I drop my gaze. "I just didn't know how."

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