fifty-two: messier

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"Your friends are still lingering," Ryan says after Caroline had walked away over to the two boys. I glance over and see Caroline and Tuck conversating. Well, more so Tuck. Caroline was watching us as was Joey. His eyes wouldn't leave Ryan.

"They're... protective," I whisper and look away from them. My eyes find their way back to Ryan's eyes and I nod.

"Rightfully so," Ryan easily says. "I thought we could talk considering we really haven't. And considering I just found out you were my daughter."

I stare at him. This is to be expected. I'm not blindsided by this. I thought he already knew though and that's why he was being awkward around me. But I guess not. I guess Andy never told him. I guess if I knew he needed to.

    "Talk about what?" I ask not really sure. This felt weird. Andy was one thing. Our bond sort of formed because well she saved my life. Time and time again actually. But I mean Ryan did too. He was on the scene at the place when Andy and I were taken but I don't know.

"Come on I'll give you a ride to the station," Ryan easily says. He takes a step back and motions with his head towards the car. I nod slowly and we head over to his car getting in. Neither of us speak in the process. Both of us silent. I slip my bag off, placing it in between my feet but that doesn't stop me from fiddling with the little flap at the top of it once we're in the vehicle and he's starting it up.

I feel stiff. I feel as though I can't really move. It's not like riding in a car with Jack. I'm comfortable with Jack. I'm comfy with Andy. Maybe because I know them. But I don't know Ryan. Andy knows Ryan.

"I'm sorry," Ryan says and I turn my head from looking out the window. My brow raises, confused.

"For?" I whisper in a question. Ryan keeps his hands on the steering wheel keeping his eyes on the road.

"I didn't know you were my daughter. I didn't know you even existed. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you," Ryan eases into, gently.

"It's not your fault," I whisper back.

"I should've known. And I'm sorry you were put through hell and back. You don't deserve that."

"Nobody does..." my voice is barely a whisper. I turn my head and look out the window again. My heart racing now.

The car comes to a stop. I hadn't realized the turns he's taken or the stops. But when he stops this time, I can see we're outside the fire station.

"I want to get to know you. But I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or feel forced to do so," Ryan says. I bite my lip and nod slowly. "You don't have to hide either. I'm another person for you to call whenever you need someone. I know that may not sound like a lot especially since you don't know me, but I'm hoping-"

"Y/n!" Andy's voice shouts cutting Ryan off. I turn my head and look to see Andy hurrying to the parked vehicle. She gets to the door and opens the side I sit on open, swiftly. She looks at me and smiles, motioning for me to get out. I grab my bag and hurry out. "Go on inside baby."

I hear the door shut and glance over my shoulder to see she's shut the door on Ryan. I swing my backpack on and grip onto the straps as Andy places her hand on my shoulder nodding. Something's off. Something's so very off. I look at her eyes and see the sad look in them though she masks it with a small smile on her lips when she looks at me.

"Andy please," Ryan says getting out of his car, slamming his door shut. I jump and look at him fully. He rushes around the car.

"Leave Ryan. Please not in front of her," Andy says, trying to keep her voice low. She places herself to where she's in between Ryan and me. I'm a little way away but stop and look at the two. Andy's smile gone. Ryan looking at her with desperation.

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