thirty-seven: goodbye kiss

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"Andy hey," a voice spoke from behind the woman

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"Andy hey," a voice spoke from behind the woman. Andy placed up the hose, glancing over her shoulder to lock eyes with Sullivan. She licks her lips before smiling and looking away quickly, back to what she was doing. "Are we still not talking?" 

"Sullivan there's nothing to talk about," Andy responds shaking her head. "We talked."

"We did but we didn't check up on each other. And I was thinking..." Andy drops her hands, successfully getting the hose back on the truck before turning towards the guy. Both Station 23 and 19 were at the scene. The fire was huge. Two buildings were burning. But both stations managed.

"Thinking what?" Andy's gentle, looking back and forth between the man's eyes. "Look Robert, can we talk at the wedding? Carina and Maya's. I got a kid at home and I really want to spend time with her. I have to talk to her about something and it's driving me crazy. We'll talk in a couple days, yeah?"

Sullivan nods hesitantly, but walks away nonetheless. A sigh escapes Andy as she gets into the truck, in the passenger seat. Everyone piling in and everyone heading to their fire house.


The fire truck for station 23 pulls up. It was morning now. The fire had taken all night. Shift was to start in an hour for the firefighters.

"Alright 23, wash up, get rest! I'll see you all in an hour!" Andy shouts. Everyone taking off their gear and heading separate directions. Andy places her hands on her hips, looking down at the ground as her eyes close. Gentle footsteps appear from around the firetruck, but even while light Andy's head flies up and her eyes lock with Y/n's.

"Is it okay if I'm here?" Y/n asks, her eyes tired as she gently approaches Andy and stops a couple feet away. A smile lingers onto Andy's lips and nods.

"Of course Mija. Always," Andy says, stepping towards the teen girl and cupping the girl's cheeks in the palm of her hands. Andy's brown eyes flick back and forth between Y/n's as she tilts her head. "Baby, you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to see you," Y/n whispers looking back into Andy's eyes. The older woman nods and rubs her thumbs gingerly back and forth on the girl's cheeks.

"Baby I know something's wrong," Andy whispers. Y/n clenches her jaw, shaking her head. She forces a smile, biting her bottom lip. "Come here." Andy drops her hands from the girl's face. She grabs a hold of Y/n's hand and takes her out of the station, off to the side where bushes and fences lie. Nobody would see them unless you came back there.

Andy lets go of the girl's hand and faces her. She looks back and forth between Y/n's eyes, waiting for a moment watching the young girl.

"Y/n sweetie... Did something happen between you and Caroline?"

Y/n shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest, practically hugging herself. Andy tilts her head. "C-Care didn't do anything. I um..." her voice trails and Andy remains quiet. The girl's eyes close shut, tears sliding down her cheeks. Andy's heart breaks. "I saw him."

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