twenty: Joey

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"I thought I'd find you up here," a voice says causing me to jump and turn, glancing over my shoulder

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"I thought I'd find you up here," a voice says causing me to jump and turn, glancing over my shoulder. My eyes locking with Joey's. He smiles lightly and walks over getting up on the table with me. I turn my head and look back out to the sky. The sun went down about 45 minutes ago. Stars form every now and then. "Or well actually Andy said you were in the kitchen but you weren't there so I thought of the next best place,"

I chuckle lightly. "Well you found me," I say gently. "Why were you looking for me?"

"Caroline told me what happened at that fire. Stupid she even took you there in the first place. But she said you didn't seem okay, thought I'd stop by to check on you."

"You barely know even know me," I say, in response. "Sorry that came off a little strong."

Joey shakes his head, shrugging. "I get it. I used to be you. Except I took off a bunch of times. Caroline says yiy only ran once but it wasn't even that far."

I look at the stars, nodding slowly. "I thought about running. I ran the first time because I got scared that Andy wanted me. The last time somebody wanted me I ended up in a prison. Not a literal prison, not jail but a prison. Much worse than a prison... I didn't want it to happen again so I went to a spot I knew was safe even though it was falling down."

"She found you didn't she?" Joey asks and I nod slowly.

"Andy found me and we talked. And there's been times where I've wanted to run. Honestly want to run now that's why I've been avoiding her."

"Hm. Why are you avoiding her? Only if you don't mind me asking."

I stay silent for a moment. My eyes slowly lingering down from the lit up night sky. I slide my hands into my hoodie pocket and cup my hands together inside. I bite my lip and shake my head.

"I don't know but I do. It's complicated."

"Complicated? You're talking to the kid whose whole life has been complicated since birth-" Joey pauses and shifts. Her curls bouncing slightly. "I was in a fire too. Station 19 saved me. Jack actually talked to me at the back of a firetruck. He's a good dude. He's nice and I look to him as an uncle."

I turn my head slowly towards Joey. Our eyes lock. A thin smile on his lips. His eyes sweet.

"Jack is like us. He comes from a screwed up childhood too. That's why he talked to me about at the back of the fire truck except he got called away and I took off."

My eyes slightly go wide and Koey nods, turning his eyes away from mine. His lips keep that smile reminiscing on the memory.

"Why would you run? It sounds like you two were bonding..."

Joey nods, dropping his head now. "We were but the fear crept in. It's a powerful thing and the only thing I knew how to do was run in fear I was going to be sent back to foster homes. Or worse foster group homes."

Into the Flames {Station 19 x you}Where stories live. Discover now