Chapter 9

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Rosie was late to the Undercroft. Sebastian had sent her an owl early that morning about where to meet to speak to Ominis.

She ran down from Ravenclaw tower quickly, already knowing her chances of convincing Ominis were slimmer than Sebastian thought, particularly now she had missed catching him earlier.

When she finally made it, she could hear the two boys bickering, even over the sounds of the creaky gate of the Undercroft.

So involved in their argument, they even missed Rosie entering.

"Bad time?" She spoke, startling them both.



Sebastian scowled at Ominis.

"Did you invite her here?" Ominis said, his voice grating.

"I did." Sebastian snapped back quickly.

Rosie raised an eyebrow, sensing the tension in the air. "Look, I don't want to be in the middle of whatever is going on between you two. Sebastian just asked for my help, and I want to understand what's happening."

"So you think going into an unknown place designed by Salazar Slytherin is a good idea?" Ominis said, folding his arms across his chest.

"No, I don't." Rosie said, "But, what if? What if the answer is there? What if it will cure Anne and stop Sebastian's pain?"

Sebastian stepped back, watching Rosie handle Ominis with shock in his eyes. Was she convincing him?

"But why should I tell you anything about it?" Ominis retorted.

"Because if there's a chance it could help Anne, you should care," Sebastian argued, growing frustrated.

"Sebastian..." Rosie tutted, "Look, Ominis. You don't have to. That's fine. But we just want to try. We need to know, for Anne's sake."

Ominis sighed, relenting a bit. "You both are too impulsive. Salazar Slytherin's secrets are not to be taken lightly. But... I can't believe I'm doing this... fine, I'll tell you what I know."

Rosie and Sebastian exchanged a quick glance, relief washing over them.

"It's in the castle. The reason I don't want to go is my Aunt Noctua had tried to go in there once herself but... she never returned. We don't know what happened to her. I don't want to doom myself to the same fate."

Rosie sighed. Of course she understood Ominis' hesitancy. She would too.

"If you're uncomfortable, Ominis... you don't have to come with us. You can just show us where it is." Rosie offered.

Ominis sighed, "No, no. I will come with you. I couldn't live with myself if I doomed you both to the same fate. I think I owe it to my aunt to find out what happened. Besides, if there's a chance to uncover something that might help Anne, well...."

Rosie felt gratitude for Ominis. She could see the internal struggle in his eyes, being almost forced into the decision to help Anne and find out about his Aunt's disappearance.

"Thank you, Ominis," Rosie said sincerely. "We appreciate your willingness to help."

Sebastian, still processing Ominis' unexpected change of heart, managed a grateful smile. "We'll stick together, then."

"Let's go now, before I change my mind."

Sebastian and Rosie quickly followed Ominis out of the Undercroft and through to a corridor that was thankfully void of any other students.

"Alright. We're here." Ominis said.

Sebastian looked at Rosie and shrugged his shoulders. To them, there was nothing here.

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