Chapter 14

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Once Sebastian was firmly out of Rosie's sight, she allowed herself to cry. Truthfully, she was not okay. He'd told her she wasn't safe, she ignored him and was nearly killed herself as a result. She counted herself lucky to walk away with only a broken arm.

The aching, throbbing pain radiating from her arm was torturous. Every bump and sway of the stretcher sending waves of agony coursing through her.

They finally reached the hospital wing, Nurse Blainey taking over her care which Rosie was incredibly grateful for. She was gently helped onto the hospital bed and immediately given a Wiggenweld for her pain.

"Well, I'd say it's definitely broken, Miss Callahan. It should be an easy fix, I'll be right back." The wonderful nurse announced, leaving Rosie in the capable hands of Professor Sharp.

The atmosphere became very tense while they waited for Rosie's treatment and she thought hard about what exactly she should be saying.


"Don't mention anything about Mr. Sallow. I'm going to pretend I never saw it and I simply do not want to see it again."

"I... I was going to ask what happened. With the storm. It wasn't normal."

"No," Sharp said, scratching his chin. "It wasn't. We're looking into it, but for now, I suspect all outdoor activities will be suspended. Including Quidditch."

Before Rosie could try and argue her point, Nurse Blainey had returned with a vial of green liquid.

"Here, drink this and then I'll work on the arm." She directed, sliding the potion into Rosie's hand.

Rosie nodded and tossed back the liquid with a small gag and a wince, but felt the effects immediately. The pain from her arm was no longer tear inducing and she felt a warm, soothing sensation spreading through her body.

Nurse Blainey began to set Rosie's arm in plaster, noticing Rosie's concerned face.

"Just a precaution. We want it to heal correctly." She assured Rosie, slathering on more wet plaster to her arm.

When the last strip was being added, Rosie heard soft footsteps padding towards them and tilted her head to see Sebastian cautiously approaching her bedside, his eyes darting between her and Professor Sharp.

But Rosie was glad he came. She was worried she'd screwed everything up by giving him a taste of his own medicine. Kissing him as a way to shut him up.

Truthfully, she really didn't think when she did it. He was crouched over the top of her, words spilling out of his mouth like vomit and something about him being so protective over her, being the one to stop her from being killed... it warmed her heart and something else inside of her she couldn't quite put her finger on.

"Hey." She said softly.

Professor Sharp turned to look at Sebastian, but chose not to speak. Instead, the glare he gave them both said more than enough.

"Sorry, Professor. I know you said not to come, but I had to make sure she was alright." Sebastian said.

Sharp kept his stern look but conceded, motioning for Sebastian to step forward.

"I will see you later, Miss Callahan. You're lucky I have to meet with the Headmaster to debrief after this. Behave."

And with a flick of his robe, Sharp limped his way out of the hospital wing. Nurse Blainey gathered up her belongings too and walked them back to her store room, sensing that they probably wanted to be alone to talk.

"Rosie... I really am sorry." Sebastian began, kicking the floor with his boot.

But Rosie rolled her eyes. "Sit down, Sebastian."

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