Chapter 1

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Her bare feet bounced up and down on the cold floor of the tiles below, her knees bumping into her elbows that were resting on them.


Her eyes were squeezed shut, trying to hide from the harsh flickering of the lights above her. They were quite annoying.

"Primrose, are you even listening?"

A hand grabbed Rosie's chin and yanked it upwards, forcing her to open her eyes.

"Yes. Yes, I'm listening." She grunted.

Rosie's eyes squinted against the unwelcome brightness as she tried to focus on the person in front of her. It was her older sister, Isabelle. The room they were in bore sterile white walls and there was a lingering smell of antiseptic in the air.

"Good." Isabelle said, finally dropping the death grip she had on Rosie's jaw. "You really paid attention to the briefing?"

"Yes, Bella! Why is everyone so on edge? I know what I'm doing. It's been drilled into me a thousand times already!" Rosie groaned, leaning back on her arms.

"We just worry. This is a big ask."

"Makes me wish I wasn't born into this goddamn family..." Rosie muttered under her breath.

Isabelle reached forward and smacked her sisters arm, "Language!"

"Oh, I don't care!" Rosie retorted, waving her hand in the air in dismissal.

The girls were interrupted when the door burst open and their parents walked in, followed by a bunch of very strict and professional looking officials.

"Alright, Miss Callahan, you've passed all the physical exams, we believe you're ready to go." One of the posh-ier ones said.

Rosie was offered a pile of clothes which looked much too warm and with too many layers for the summer climate she was entering into.

"Is this really all necessary?"

"Miss Callahan, you went through all of this in your training. You were selected based on your skills and unique ability, but if you're questioning our choices, there are many other talented witches or wizards we could choose for the job."

Rosie looked to her parents, her father throwing her a stern look, as if to try and dare her to challenge them.

So she nodded her head. "Fine."

"A wise choice. Alright, we'll let you get changed and you'll be heading off right away."

Rosie was left alone, the flickering light above growing more and more annoying by the second. As Rosie changed into the clothes handed to her, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The reflection staring back seemed different. She didn't feel or look like herself. The long skirt grazed just below her knees, the stocking itched and the coat was stifling. Her long, dirty blonde hair has pulled into two long braids down her back.

She hated when her hair was pulled back.

When she had pulled on all the required layers, she stepped out of the room to awaiting eyes, an official awaiting her.

"Good luck, we'll see you when you get back." Isabelle said, pulling her younger sister into her arms, enveloping her in a warm hug.

Rosie turned without so much as a word from her parents and walked away down a long corridor until they reached another bland, boring and way too bright room.

"Alright, Primrose. You remember the strict limits with this time-turner, correct?"

Of course she did. It had been drilled into her.

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