Chapter 30

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Sebastian fell asleep quickly, bow tie still strung around his neck with his jacket shrugged off and shirt undone half way, sparse hairs on his chest spilling out the top. If Ominis wasn't there, Rosie may have simply nuzzled herself up against him and fallen asleep inhaling his scent, but instead, she sat propped up against a pile of pillows, watching Ominis carefully as he tried desperately to calm himself down.

"Are you sure there's nothing I can do for you?" Rosie asked.

Ominis shook his head. "No. Truly, there's nothing. But thank you."

"You don't open up a lot, do you?" Rosie pried.

Ominis hesitated, but decided to appease Rosie. "It's not that I don't want to. There are just certain things that are better left undisturbed."

Rosie could sense talking about his family and past was difficult. Because she felt the same.

"I know what you mean," she said softly. "Can I strike a deal with you?"

"First, Sebastian and now you... seriously, do you spend that much time together?"

Rosie laughed. "No, I was going to offer you a bit about myself in exchange for what happened tonight. It can't have been easy to come to the decision you did."

"Fine. You go first."

"Alright, well... I come from a pureblood family like yours." Rosie admitted.

"But, there's no Callahan's?" Ominis said, how brows furrowing.

"No. Not yet."

Ominis raised an eyebrow but remained silent, waiting for her to divulge more information.

"Remember when Sebastian told you I had a time turner?"


"Well, it's because I have travelled from the future."

"How far in the future?"

"About 130 years."

Ominis went silent, as if he were frozen. Gathering his thoughts. "Why?"

Rosie didn't know whether to divulge the truth or not. But, she supposed if she wanted Ominis to open up to her, she'd have to be completely honest with him.

So she told him.

About what was tasked to her. About Sebastian causing a rebellion. About how her presence altered it so Sebastian didn't cause it, Victor Rookwood did.

Ominis sat there, slack jawed and simply laughed. Something she rarely heard him do.

"If I didn't know Sebastian as well as I do, I'd think this was some kind of sick joke." He said, almost unable to get the words out due to bouts of laughter. "So, let me get this straight. You came here to kill Sebastian and fell in love with him instead."

"Yes." Rosie nodded.

And Ominis laughed again. "So that's why I don't know of your pureblood family then. And, in the future, does the view towards the purebloods change at all?"

"No." Rosie said with a shake of her head.

Ominis sighed, a touch of understanding hiding beneath the huff of air. "So, you and I aren't so different after all. Pureblood families, arranged marriages and both with a crush on Sebastian."

The two shared a laugh and Rosie looked over at her unconscious boyfriend, his mouth dropped open as a string of drool fell from the corner onto the pillow beneath his head.

"You both suit each other." Ominis noted, laying himself back on a pillow and closing his eyes. "And I'm sorry your life has turned out that way. I had hoped that if I rebelled, more people would and we'd be over this ridiculous pureblood breeding program one day."

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