Chapter 74

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When Sebastian was certain Rosie was in a deep enough sleep to not be disturbed, he discreetly rolled her into his pillow and stepped out of the bed, replacing his clothes to not alarm whoever might be wandering around the apartment in the hopes of securing dinner for Rosie when she awoke.

He crept out from her room, softly clicking the door behind him softly and creeping to the lounge room.

A blonde head of hair quickly popped into Sebastian's line of sight from the sofa, Isabelle palming quickly at her eyes.

"Oh, it's you," She said grumpily, but her voice was nasally. She'd been crying too.

Sebastian's first instinct whenever he was faced with Rosie's acrimonious sister was to give her what she gave, mock her, tease her, but he knew it was not the time, even though it was clear Isabelle was trying to keep up the facade despite the circumstances.

"Sorry, I was going to head out and get something to eat for dinner so you don't have to worry about it," Sebastian said.

"How heroic of you," Isabelle spat, mocking her mothers earlier quip about Sebastian's heroism.

But Sebastian bit his tongue.

Instead, he posed her a question, "Are you okay?"

"Don't pretend you care."

"Why wouldn't I care?"

Isabelle frowned and caught Sebastian's eye as he sat on the armchair opposite the sofa.

"We've never gotten along, Sebastian. While you may care for Rosie, don't pretend you give a shit about me. Or our parents," Isabelle spat

"I want to, though, Bella. Anyone that is important to Rosie is important to me. I know you were told awful things about me before you met me, and yes, I hurt your sister. Badly. I fucked up. But I've tried my hardest to grow and reflect and make right my wrongs. I understand if you will hate me forever for what I did but... it won't stop me caring about you and the rest of your family."

Isabelle's eyes flickered back and forth between Sebastian's and he was quick to notice just how much alike the two sisters were. She had identical brown eyes to Rosie's that almost made him want to tear up when he saw them so sad.

She blinked rapidly to hold back more tears from falling, desperately not wanting Sebastian to see her so vulnerable. "You say that now," she choked. "But how do I know you're not just going to hurt her again? You won't just leave when it's convenient for you?"

"I can't promise anything. I don't know much about what will happen in the future. But I can tell you, my life is here. I made peace with everything from my past, including my best friend, just to be here. To be with Rosie. I can't promise I won't make mistakes. Merlin knows I've made so many already and will probably continue to do so but that's simply human. But the only thing I can promise you is this. I will never, ever stop trying to be better. For Rosie... for you. I know I've got a lot to prove to you and I do hope that I can make that happen one day, but what I do know is that I love your sister so much. More than I've ever loved anyone. I never stopped loving her, even when we were apart. And I'll never, ever take for granted the fact she's let me back in her life. I promise."

Sebastian finished his speech with a deep sigh and despite his best efforts found his own eyes betraying him, one single stray tear sliding down his cheek.

And then Isabelle cried.

She tried to speak but the words came out like a croak.

"So," Sebastian began, clearing his throat, "I'll ask again. Are you okay?"

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