Chapter 79*

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CW: Sexual content

"How did this even happen?" Sebastian called out from the otherside of the bathroom door over the sounds of Rosie's retching into the toilet bouncing off the tiled walls. "I thought you were on those potions."

"Shut the fuck up!" she cried out, between violent bouts of gagging.

Sebastian tried the door handle once more, but Rosie had locked it.

In the two weeks since Anne's wedding, Rosie's symptoms had only worsened and she cursed Sebastian for daring to "do this to her" but now Sebastian was questioning just how he did that to her.

He took out his wand with an eye roll and unlocked the door with a quick Alohomora.

She hadn't tried very hard to lock it in her haste to vomit in peace.

Sebastian crouched behind her and dared to press a hand to her back, which had Rosie reaching out blindly behind her, swatting her hand about viciously. And then it collided with Sebastian's face. Hard.

"You slapped me!" Sebastian cried out, almost topping backwards as he pressed his hand to his burning cheek.


Hm. She did have a point. A very loud and vocal point.

So Sebastian resigned to simply keeping his distance and not placing a hand on her, except to hold back her long blonde hair to stop her getting sick all over it.

When it subsided and she sat back, wiping the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand, she glared at Sebastian but Sebastian wasn't sure if she was furious or simply felt miserable.

Sebastian handed her a glass of water he'd prepared when he heard her run off to the bathroom for the third time that morning, which she accepted begrudgingly.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it. Especially not then. I had no idea the potions weren't working."

Rosie took a sip of water, closing her eyes for a moment. "Neither did I and yet here we are."

Her face softened as she took sips of the water and Sebastian took the plunge and pulled her into his arms. "We'll be okay. I know it's hard, but these things will subside eventually. Then comes the fun stuff."


"Well... I suppose I'll have to clear out the office to turn into a baby room, won't I?"

Rosie let out a weak laugh. "You mean you'll finally get rid of all that junk you've been hoarding?"

"I'll have you know it's not junk." Sebastian scoffed "It's all very important stuff. Stuff for work. And maybe some things I kept for myself... but yes, I suppose it's time to make some space. Unless our child would be okay with sleeping amongst the tomes."

"Oh for Merlin's sake..."


"I don't know if I can put up with this..." Rosie groaned.

Sebastian let out a laugh, "You know who you agreed to marry and procreate with."

"I never agreed to procreation! This was because of you."

"Me?" Sebastian scoffed, "How?"

"Well, I do believe it requires your apparent super sperm to break through the effects of the potions I was taking. Without you, I'd be happily not nauseous."

"I'm not going to hear the end of this, am I?"

Rosie grinned. "Nope. Not for the next 8 months. At least."

Tempest // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now